IdeaGinkgo / Intellij-Ginkgo

Idea plugin for running and viewing ginkgo tests
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Integration with GoLand doesn't work when running on WSL2 #90

Open AndreiBarbuOz opened 1 year ago

AndreiBarbuOz commented 1 year ago

Using Ginkgo version:

Ginkgo Version 2.13.0

With ginkgo plugin version 0.10.1 in a setup which runs GoLand on Windows and the project is hosted on a WSL2 distro. All (most) integrations work as expected (running unit tests, building and running the code), but when running Ginkgo from the IDE I receive this error:

Cannot run program "\\wsl$\Ubuntu\usr\local\go\bin\go" (in directory "\\wsl$\Ubuntu\home\path\to\project"): CreateProcess error=193, %1 is not a valid Win32 application


TaylorOno commented 1 year ago

So I am kinda torn on this the run on interface used to run on WSL is still marked as experimental. If I add this the plugin validation gives me warnings a whole bunch of warnings. I need to revisit this but WSL support was on the branch feature/support-run-on-config is it worth having a unstable run on options?

timmy-wright commented 3 months ago

Just hit this issue too. To answer your question, I'd rather have an unstable run on options than no run option available at all.