IdentityModel / AuthorizationServer

Sample implementation of an OAuth2 Authorization Server
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Is have performance gap at resourceowner client AS with IdentityServer #241

Closed kargenc closed 9 years ago

kargenc commented 9 years ago


We have 1500 Entity and each entity has 9 action ( which means near 1500 Application and each application has 9 scope at AS) and we have 5000 users.

Our Authorization class ask each business method (entity+action) request to AS. AS server get Authentication from Identity Server from each request. Is this a performance gap for us?

Is there possible ask to AS for scope with existing STS token without called again Identity Server each time.

We have a lot of Desktop Client and some Web but not MVC. But we want use Authentication and Authorization for securities at all Client (Desktop+Web).

am i do wrong using STS and oauth2 ( in my example Thinktecture both of them) at Desktop application and non, MVC applications. am i correct?

kargenc commented 9 years ago

sorry i think this area is not for kind of question. i will be post at blogs.