IdentityModel / IdentityModel.OidcClient

Certified C#/NetStandard OpenID Connect Client Library for native mobile/desktop Applications (RFC 8252)
Apache License 2.0
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Confusing "state" query parameter causes bad request on Keycloak #439

Open RsZoli opened 4 months ago

RsZoli commented 4 months ago

I'm having problem with the generated URL by the .NET client:

As you can see, the state query parameter is an object, and it is not even encoded:{%22appInstanceId%22%3a%22%22%2c%22signinId%22%3a%22a4e0c2ad-b412-416c-b358-1314e232a797%22%2c%22state%22%3a%22t6kWLi5YApZ_RmSiTHXu1A%22}&code_challenge=Cvzy9NX8VjXtBjwtror3S7I67LEy2gclXNW9ZVmZ6EE&code_challenge_method=S256&client_id=account&scope=openid&redirect_uri=myapp%3a%2f%2fcallback{"appInstanceId":"","signinId":"a4e0c2ad-b412-416c-b358-1314e232a797","state":"t6kWLi5YApZ_RmSiTHXu1A"}&code_challenge=Cvzy9NX8VjXtBjwtror3S7I67LEy2gclXNW9ZVmZ6EE&code_challenge_method=S256&client_id=account&scope=openid&redirect_uri=myapp://callback

Thic causes a bad request on my Keycloak, however if i manually switch out the value of the state parameter to the value of the "inner" state parameter, it just works:

How can i achieve this in the .NET client? I do not need this "state object"!

Thank you!