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Enrich IdentityServer Documentation with OIDC and OAuth2 Flows section #73

Closed jawadatgithub closed 9 years ago

jawadatgithub commented 9 years ago


I think OIDC and OAuth2 Flows are core concept that need to be well documented in separate section, currently I am not able to arrive to decision on what flow (or grant) I should use. understanding each flow and providing recommendation where each flow best fit through use cases would save big time for the community, avoid confusions and reduce implementation variations.

I didn't come here to complain, I appreciate the hard work and high quality efforts invested in IdentityServer3. I would like to list and share my current understanding of flows:

Note for community:

A. I noticed that IdentityServer3 docs, samples and code use OIDC & OAuth2 terms interchangeably to refer to same thing in many areas. I think that's make sense because OIDC introduced as complement & extension for OAuth2, although in some cases that confuse me when I google some terms to gain further details and get little shock that OIDC or OAuth2 not related. i.e., 'Tenant' term is not mentioned in OAuth2. OIDC also not define what it mean! yet alot of DB schemas and OAuth libraries use tenant term, I guess its used in obsolete standards but people stick with it! B. IdentityServer3, STS, OP, OIDC server, OAuth2 server, CSP, IDP and others: means same thing (software that provide/issue tokens to clients) as explained in Terminology

[Important] Choosing wrong flow leads to security threat.

Part one: Flow Types and Origin

- OAuth2 standard specs defined 4 grants + extensibility for custom grant:

Note: grants and flows mean same thing, grant was the common term in OAuth2 specs and flow is the common term in OIDC specs.

This document will not focus on custom flow/grant.

1. authorization code

2. implicit

3. resource owner password credentials

4. client credentials

- OIDC standard specs Enriched Two OAuth2 flows (authorization code & implicit) to support Authentication, and introduced new flow called:

5. Hybrid Flow

- IdentityServer3 Support all flows (below snippet copied from IdentityServer3 core) :

//OpenID Connect flows. (this another example of using OIDC term to refer for OAuth2 & OIDC)
public enum Flows
        AuthorizationCode = 0,  //introduced in OAuth2 then extended by OIDC.
        Implicit = 1,           //introduced in OAuth2 then extended by OIDC.
        Hybrid = 2,             //introduced in OIDC
        ClientCredentials = 3,  //OIDC specs didn't extend this flow.
        ResourceOwner = 4,      //OIDC specs didn't extend this flow.
        Custom = 5,

Part Two: Explaining each of the five flow types

for time being, I will highlight what I know, through feedbacks and corrections I will update and reformat...

Q. What Does OAuth2 & OIDC Flows really mean?

A. its mechanism/approach/process (set of steps) that allow client to obtain token(s) from STS/OP through Endpoints. in other words, the whole life cycle of any Authentication & Authorization request is bound by one of the flows. so its essential to first understand the meaning of endpoints, clients, tokens and terms already explained in IdentityServer3 docs.

The main purpose of introducing multiple flow/grant types is to authenticate & authorize access to protected resources in various ways with different security credentials due to the variation of HTTP services based application architectures.

Q. Out of the 11 Endpoints implemented in IdentityServer3, Which are related to Authentication/Authorization request in all flow types?

A. In all flow types, any Authentication/Authorization request will be received by Authorization Endpoint or Token Endpoint only. so only two Endpoints handle the initial request. all other endpoints play important roles but not used during Authentication/Authorization request. and since flows focus on how Authentication/Authorization request being handled, this document will only focus on Authorization Endpoint & Token Endpoint.

- Authorization Endpoint: (in IdentityServer3 docs called: Authorization/Authentication Endpoint) Used to request:

You either use a web browser or a web view to start the process.

- Token Endpoint: Used to programmatically request or refresh tokens (authorization code flow, hybrid flow, resource owner password credential flow, client credentials flow and custom grant types).

Note: All requests to the token endpoint must be authenticated - either pass client id and secret via Basic Authentication or add client_id and client_secret fields to the POST body. In other words, don't imagine that all authentication requests in all flows handled by Authorization endpoint, Authorization Endpoint will only provide authentication (identity token) for Implicit flow and Hybrid flow.

[Important] ID tokens are meant for the client. Access tokens are meant for APIs. Don't send id tokens to APIs. ONLY case id_token sent to STS is EndSessionRequest but its optional.

Q. Which Flow Type in OpenID Connect (OIDC) / IdentityServer3 best fit the SPA use case?

A. Implicit flow designed for spa, client apps without server-side. Implicit flow is the default flow in IdentityServer3. although Implicit flow require redirectUri, it should be known that Google, Facebook, MS, Twitter, StackOverflow, GitHub, Yahoo...all follow the redirectUri concept. the main idea is any client (like web browser, native app) can't be trusted in Internet zone. in other words, if the SPA deployed in Intranet zone (on premise where all clients and users well known) (trusted environment) then its possible to honor seamless login experience over security. but since Intranet is pretty fast I still recommend to use Implicit flow for sake of consistency (would you like to make different branch of your code base if later on same SPA need to be deployed over internet?!)

Q. Which Flow Types designed to be used ONLY in trusted environment (like backend REST API/ micro-services isolated from internet, or owned servers/devices, in general: trusted OAuth2 clients)?


A. Authorization Code Flow:

Implicit Flow:

Hybrid Flow:

Resource Owner Password Credential Flow:

Client Credential Flow:

Remark: MS OpenID Connect authentication middleware [Microsoft.Owin.Security.OpenIdConnect] [its client library for OIDC server] only support Hybird Flow. I think this is not a big deal since Thinktecture.IdentityModel provide OIDC and Oauth2 client library that support all flows.


this all what I know now, please help me refine and understand Flows and its relation with endpoints clearly and deeply. I followed this project anonymously for over 2 months now and consumed all related videos on Vimeo and docs as well as keep tracking of [] and []... but still far from mastering the whole life cycle. if any bit of information listed above is invalid, not accurate or misleading then please highlight ASAP.

brockallen commented 9 years ago

Yes, all good ideas. 1) It's a time thing -- we only have so much time, and 2) I'm not sure we see it as our responsibility to document the specs to be more human readable. Of course this helps so that people can understand IdSvr better, but it gets back to the time issue and priorities.

Of course, this is where the community can get involved -- feel free to make a blog post. We can certainly link to it.

jawadatgithub commented 9 years ago

thanks for the input, please keep this issue open until I refine my understanding of the topic and update the post periodically [I assume one week will be sufficient]. at the end this should help save time to quickly answer many questions raised under IdentityServer3, I will also try to contribute in community questions.

about the OIDC and OAuth2 specs, its very hard to draw conclusion for use cases of Flows. so I will try to document my understanding of that gradually.

when I start looking to IdentityServer3 I wanted like many others (as appear in IdentityServer3 issues) to avoid the login redirect, but after reading and watching all your videos as well Dominick videos. I understood that's not the way to go unless I am fine with losing valuable features of IdS3 STS such SSO.

about blog post: yes I will do that in case you don't want include section for flows.

thanks again for your time.

omidkrad commented 9 years ago

Thank you, I think people will find this very useful. IdSrv has a very clean and well designed code, but it's still hard to grasp all the functionality from code. Documentation like this helps me and other people get started faster as people usually don't dive in the specs first to explore a new library. @jawadatgithub you can also create a public gist for this so people can fork it and help you with updates. But it would be best if it is added next to the rest of the IdSrv docs.

omidkrad commented 9 years ago

"don't imagine that all authentication requests in all flows handled by Authorization endpoint, Authorization Endpoint will only provide authentication (identity token) for Implicit flow."

Are you sure? In the samples I see Hybrid clients, MVC FormPost client, MVC CodeFlowClient also use the Authorization endpoint.

jawadatgithub commented 9 years ago


  1. sorry for the late response.
  2. about Hybrid you are correct, I updated.
  3. about FormPost client: Defines how to return OAuth2/OIDC Response parameters: means its not introducing new flow, based on my understanding FormPost only work with (depends on) code, Implicit & Hybrid flows check here.
  4. CodeFlow: as explained in 'vs' question: Authorization Endpoint only provide code, but Id_token (authentication request) obtained from token endpoint. in other words, in code flow: authorization endpoint not responsible for authentication, in samples: you can see it clearly.
  5. I will add note later that clarify OIDC authentication extension for OAuth2: in summary: OIDC authentication is based on Authenticate User Identity only, in OAuth2 all flows require authentication but not in the context of user identity. (for example: Client Credential Flow is not meant at all with user identity (or OIDC in general) but its still include authentication.
  6. thank you for taking time review the draft, please keep highlighting any concerns or inputs.
omidkrad commented 9 years ago

Regarding # 2, I think it also includes Code flow? no?

jawadatgithub commented 9 years ago

thanks for following up,

I am not sure what you mean by # 2. let me clarify further, please notice the bold terms:

In other words, don't imagine that all authentication requests in all flows handled by Authorization endpoint, Authorization Endpoint will only provide authentication (identity token) for Implicit flow and Hybrid flow.

as I explained in point 4: CodeFlow: as explained in 'vs' question: Authorization Endpoint only provide code, but Id_token (authentication request) obtained from token endpoint. in other words, in code flow: authorization endpoint not responsible for authentication, in samples: you can see it clearly.

does that answer and clarify your input?

jawadatgithub commented 9 years ago

I finished drafting the document. I followed @omidkrad advice and made Gist:

OIDC and OAuth2

Please let me know if you have any further comments or feedbacks within 24 hours before closing this issue. I hope its good enough to be embedded in Identityserver3 docs or at least linked..

omidkrad commented 9 years ago

This looks good @jawadatgithub, also thanks for clarifying about CodeFlow.

DoubleExposure commented 7 years ago

Thanks. Valuable post!!!