Closed VladiGGeorgiev closed 7 years ago
That's an HTTPS issue.
Can you browse to the disco doc in the browser without a warning?
I can browse the discovery document in the browser without any warning. I suppose as a disco doc you mention the discovery document: https://localhost/.well-known/openid-configuration
Which account is running the web app?
Good question! Thank you very much @leastprivilege! I was using the built-in ApplicationPoolIdentity. I've changed it to administrator (local account) and it works. That leads me to some questions: Is there anything in the code that uses file system or something from the system? What permissions should have the account running the web app? I looked DiscoveryResponseGenerator and ResourceStores and I didn't find anything on the surface of them.
I guess the cert you use is not trusted from the point of the app pool account.
You said you use "localhost" - is that in the trusted cert store for the whole machine?
Looks like you're all set. Closing.
@brockallen I resolve my issues. You can close the issue.
How was this solved? I am having same issue.
@VGGeorgiev how did you resolve this? I'm also getting the same issue after upgrading IdentityServer to a more recent nuget package. Was originally using a self-signed SSL cert for IIS Express without problem.
Could someone please post how this was fixed. I am about to pull all my hair out :)
@jinder @activebiz I've changed the account running the application pool to administrator account. There are assumptions in the comments above why the problem happens. You can dive deeply if you want to understand it.
@VGGeorgiev ah. Are you not concerned about the security implications?
@jinder I am concerned. I was trying to find out what permissions should have the account running the Identity Server app. Do you know that?
@VGGeorgiev The lowest possible permissions to be able to serve your web requests. Absolutely never run it as Administrator as any exploit leveraged against your web server will then have access to just about anything on your machine and/or network.
@VGGeorgiev To add, if that fixed it to for you, it suggests that the SSL certificate is valid for your user. I wonder if you've installed the SSL cert for the current user only, rather than the local machine (I would guess so). I think my issue might be different.
@jinder you are right. Do you know how to solve it without giving admin permissions? Is there some specific permission needed by Identity Server or should we add in trusted cert store... What do you suggest?
Install the certificate as a root authority using certmgr for your local machine. If it's a self-signed certificate, you should understand the implications of this and ensure your certificates are secured.
Thanks @jinder . In case anyone need this to do on Azure App Service ..
The self-signed certificate is only for dev/testing environment
Is there a way to resolve this using IISExpress? I am getting IDX10803: Unable to obtain configuration from: 'https://localhost/.well-known/openid-configuration' in the VS Output every time I try to access an Action that requires Authorization.
I am using a specific certificate for the signing credentials, but I don't have the option to change the ApplicationPoolIdentity account in IISExpress, also I don't think this should be necessary as, from my understanding, IISExpress runs its ApplicationPoolIdentity under current windows account and mine is the administrator for my machine.
Also, I tried to add the certificate for the signing credentials in the trusted root store from the cert manager. It doesn't seem to fix the issue.
If I use TemporarySigningCredentials I still get the same error.
I tried to access the https://localhost/.well-known/openid-configuration through the browser and it loads fine.
Does anyone have an idea what the problem might be?
@itanev You need to add netsh SSL bindings for the correct port, as well as installing the certificate. Read the steps here:
If you're running the netsh commands in PowerShell, you'll need to do them as separate steps.
Thanks for your response @jinder!
Actually, I don have makecrt for some reason, so I am generating my certificates under Local IIS and I am using again Local IIS to bind the generated self-signed certificate to a specific port and then I am using this port in my applicationhost.config bindings.
I am not sure if this is different from what is described in the article, is it? But I can confirm that it does not solve the issue, at least using the Local IIS self-signed certificate.
However, I managed to patch things up by setting the identity server authority and issuerUri to http. I need this for local testing only for now. At a latter point, I will need to run it under https in production. I will test it with verified certificate at a later point.
Hi, I had this issue for over a week and this is how I resolved it:
The problem I had was the fact that I was using the "IIS Express Development Certificate" and for some odd reason it wasn't a trusted certificate on my dev machine hence it was only broken on this particular environment. To fix it, export the IIS Express Development Certificate and import it back in to the "Trusted Root Certification Authorities"->"Certificate".
I found the solution to a one line fix: Set options.Configuration:
.AddAuthentication(options => options.DefaultScheme = JwtBearerDefaults.AuthenticationScheme)
.AddJwtBearer(options =>
options.Configuration = new OpenIdConnectConfiguration(); // <----- ADD THIS!
what @chchmatt posted worked for me, no idea why (nor what I am doing actually)
@chchmatt should that be removed during production?
It works fine in production @drakoumel
Without that line options.Configuration is null - you'll get the error back.
Hi guys, I had the same issue for a long time, and I was able to solved it by creating a certificate with a CN=localhost (or the domain where the IDServer is hosted) and using it to deploy the IDServer. After doing that, I was able to removed the static config I was using since then, thanks to @VGGeorgiev.
I am using Identity Server 4 with ASP.NET Core, self-signed certificate generated from IIS 10. I am using different certificates for https and for identity. I am using resource owner password grant. The Identity Server is in the same project with the application. I am trying to access the authorized action throw the angular 2 application. I can successfully get an access token and refresh token, but when I try to make a request to authorized endpoint, there is an error. I can view the metadata from my browser.
I am using IdentityServerAuthentication from IdentityServer4.AccessTokenValidation:
Package versions
Solutions I tried:
DelayLoadMetadata is already the default options in Identity Server 4.
When I was looking and debugging Identity Server 4, IdentityServer4.AccessTokenValidation and Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication code, I realized that if I set a static OpenIdConnectConfiguration for JwtBearerOptions, the Authorization handler don't try to access the https://localhost/.well-known/openid-configuration. It works with static OpenIdConnectConfiguration, but...
I don't like the workaround and I am trying to find a prettier way to solve the issue. I won't to set manually all of these endpoints. I won't to miss some configuration and broke something else. Can you suggest me a proper way to do it or how can I solve this.