Idered / snatch

📋 Beautiful clipboard manager for Windows
MIT License
272 stars 12 forks source link

Is this project dead? #24

Open riotrah opened 1 year ago

riotrah commented 1 year ago

Hi @Idered, thanks so much for making this. I'm a big fan of what you've got so far, and the mockups for the remake (?) looks wonderful. I hate to be "that guy" who asks if a project is dead, but I wonder if there's anything the community can do to help or keep the momentum going.

The app still works as-is, tho it is somewhat unstable (frequent random slowness, crashes and hotkey ignoring) at least on Win 11. Unfortunately, the current baked-in shortcut conflicts with various other shortcuts that are commonly used across other apps in my system and are indeed muscle-memorized at this point. Examples include pasting in WSL terminals and IDE shortcuts for various specialized paste actions.

Looking for info about changing the hotkeys and other issues led me to wonder if the project was dead given the lack of recent updates and engagement.

Given that you've ostensibly got some work underway on a refactor/remake for which there appear to be no active branches (in this repo), but a fleshed out vision/mockup nonetheless, I wonder if you'd be open to opening up the development of that. Otherwise a status update or something would be nice!

Please don't take my requests as entitlement - I love snatch even if I end up not using it, as it's clearly a labor of love and something shockingly lacking in competition on Windows. So thanks again!

Idered commented 1 year ago

@riotrah Hey, thanks for push, I've restarted my work on Snatch 2.0. You can follow updates on my twitter

riotrah commented 1 year ago

I'd encourage those interested to check out that thread. Really wild stuff honestly.

It also looks gorgeous, at least on your Mac. I currently use RayCast as a launcher on Mac and use its rich built-in clipboard manager - your new design looks a lot like it coincidentally.

One feature I especially really miss from that manager is that it detects colors in hex format (maybe other formats, I only ever copy in hex so I wouldn't know), and displays them in the preview - killer.

I am curious however, how snappy your new one is with all those extra features - no doubt the more intensive stuff will be optional, but a frame of reference might be nice. Would love to be able to set and forget those features bc they seem sick!

riotrah commented 1 year ago

Double post sorry:

I wanna also volunteer to be a beta tester! Meaning, would be sick to see the app develop every time new commits come out