Closed seiyria closed 10 years ago
Make equipment effects display less badly (e.g. description on hover would help tremendously). (deferred)
Change the icon for water to be something more water-related than a the water droplets on that fontello thing you linked.
Change the icon for wisdom to be "book" rather than "key."
Change intelligence icon to be the "fa-mortar-board" icon....unless int is only used by mages.
Change the icon for earth type to "globe" in FA. (I disagree with this one)
some items on the map should be able to have tooltips ala #174. Also, there should be signs on the map that have funny statements or things of that nature.
It would be nice if the "Popular Classes" and "Popular Maps" showed a list of people for each area/class on hover. This should be limited to a reasonable size (e.g. 20) in case there's too many people. (nah, you can filter by this if you want)
Potential candidates for round 4:
show all players in the nearby vicinity on the map(deferred)reintroduce recent eventsmap all player stats to something more friendly (and remove useless ones)show unlocked personalities (green checkmark & tooltip)show if user is currently onlinefix map changing @ runtime(deferred)fix ordering of popular map/classesmake player view, left side, be 7 or 8 wide instead of 6 (only on certain resolutions).make map take 100% w/h (gotta upgrade phaser for this I think??)actual breakdown graphs (pie charts, etc) maybe??(not sure what for)personalities is broken (leaderboard, etc)create a character online, associate it with a random guest12312312 nick, redirect to a webclient (perhaps embedded into the page), and set it to that nick. if they change their nick (only the first time), save the new nick in the DB(too much work; when there is a REST API (#252) then this will be mostly trivial to implement)figure out why loading for new players is weirdnewest players table in global stats (Fresh Blood) (store registration date?)repository stats table?show popular personalities?better query for getting players (right now it's active in at least 1 month). perhaps, >3 days since last login to prevent the spam that comes with a lot of people.all global events (cataclysm, pvp, etc) timer(deferred)don't show empty kills, ie, * (2)calculate item find when a player joins so PR isn't always 0show "loading..." so players aren't left with a blank screen (For both player and search view)show achievementssort by name after other search criteriaglobal statistics: show average & min as well(no)global statistics: show how many players are being counted in the footer somewhereshow (x players, n online, y in filter) on the character list page ???(why)fix ugly: what I could)add a box for last calculated stat totalsmap viewer?(deferred)scroll up when opening a new pageshow top items by scorecollapse objects on player stats(deferred)player party does not show correctlyspecial thanks page (Latin)donate button somewhere?map stretches too far in some casesadd analytics pageshow analysis of character over timeachievements unlocked by all (% of all players unlocked, total) (and change route for player achievements to /idle/achievements/:player)colspan of "top items" loading text needs to be wider"compare self to average @ level" -- analytics needs to be a service because multiple things are implementing itshow the last hour of snapshots in real time(deferred)cataclysm occurrences db(deferred)overflow slots(deferred)routing: /stats/player, /achievements/player, /analytics/playerchange title of page based on what page is being looked atgoogle analyticsundefined (NaN) (on Ray)restructure player (see whiteboard)recent events are being loaded from start to finish - time-gate them (even though they should already be time-gated, but whatever)(deferred, opened issue on ng-meteor)show registration date (player.registrationDate)remove change-all section if playerName, and also by default show player stats, not global avg.recent events charts (global / single) - AND FILTER BY EVENT TYPE(deferred)fix state reloading: battles on the website(deferred)