IdleLands / IdleLandsOld

[DEPRECATED] A full-blown idling RPG. It has a modular backend that can be added to any existing frontend via a REST API.
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prestige / avatar items #417

Open seiyria opened 9 years ago

seiyria commented 9 years ago

possible ascension critieria:

I think ascensions should start at level 150 or 200 instead of 100. Or maybe the ascensions should be tied into current stats.

Darkblizer commented 9 years ago

[08:54:44] Maybe for each prestiege Idlemaster gets a different form [08:55:24] so the first one might be "Idlemaster, the Benevolent" [08:55:42] and the next one is "Idlemaster, the Furious" [08:55:51] and then it just keeps going until finally, "Idlemaster, the God"

sedgwick commented 9 years ago

in reference to @Darkblizer the title system seems like it could easily cover something like that. a set of titles that can be offered for a variety of prestige levels. It could be a new title for each ascension, since it would probably take months to do one ascension anyways.

384 I feel like ascension should involve the quest system as well. Kingdom of Loathing perfectly captures how prestige/ascension in a game works: it shouldn't just be "I'm max level time to start over and get bonuses," Players could go through a multi-stage (and probably expensive) set of difficult quests that eventually lead to the ability to ascend.

Ascension should require at least a few of the difficult (godly) collectibles to complete. Either currently existing collectibles or new ones specific to ascension.

212 Possibly involve alignment with ascension? There could be alignment specific quests for an evil ascension or good ascension (and neutral ascension for those who don't feel the need to choose sides) you could have permanent alignment related changes to your character while ascending as one or the other.

What are your thoughts on what happens to your gold during ascension? The easiest thing is that you keep it. If players lose it I see many people dropping it in a guild bank or even making a solo-guild to bank it.

Ascension would probably happen infrequently enough that a cool global announcement is sent to all players. I wouldn't mind receiving ascension announcement events even in my webFE adventure log (I'd probably want to congratulate someone after I notice it!)

397 A temporary buff could go out to all online players. World of Warcraft had a great example with "Rallying Cry of the Dragonslayer." For those unfamiliar with it, after a player completed a long questline and turned in the head of the big bad dragon, a temporary buff went out to all players in the city that made you a little stronger. It was a nice gift and you would often have players announcing beforehand that the quest was completed so everyone could share the wealth.

seiyria commented 9 years ago
seiyria commented 7 years ago

allow multiclassing for prestige/ascensions

sedgwick commented 7 years ago

I could see prestige only maps being a thing. It would probably have new skills and stuff, so new collectibles that only the ones that have "ascended" or what have you can reach.

seiyria commented 7 years ago

possibly, increase item find abilities and max % available for items (base is 300, it could go up 100% per prestige)

seiyria commented 7 years ago

allow people to breed pets, one generation per prestige?

sedgwick commented 7 years ago

Merchant's Guild Vaults: Merchant's Guild has 2 vaults that will require a player to have ascended at least once to access. The left vault has a lot of GoldBless and a few ItemBless tiles, but teleport traps that send you off to Maeles. The right vault will eventually be guarded by a boss that will require ascension to initiate combat, guarding a door that requires ascension and the boss kill to enter. Inside will be a set of merchant gear that is a vast improvement over the merchant gear in the marketplace, as well as many more GoldBless and ItemBless tiles, with no teleport trap.

This is also a good time to note that there should be a requireAscension property, where the value would probably be a number for times ascended.