IdleLands / IdleLandsOld

[DEPRECATED] A full-blown idling RPG. It has a modular backend that can be added to any existing frontend via a REST API.
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Usable Items #537

Open seiyria opened 9 years ago

seiyria commented 9 years ago

Players should get a pouch, maybe 5 slots. All items should be able to be created by a GM. Items could be random drops from monsters battles, or stolen from players if they have them, in combat. There should be several rarities, and items should not show up that often.

Possible items:

Source: idlemaster

blank--- commented 9 years ago

Stat potion - increases chosen base stat by 1-5% permanently (set min increase by 1 point, not sure about max increase or if it would be necessary) - rare drop from certain bosses

egg - summons a random pet of the specified pet class, very rare drop from certain bosses Will- someone who passed away left behind a will leaving all their belongings to you, however they did not own very much... Gives player x gold with a small chance of obtaining a legendary item. Can only be obtained through random event, and does not happen often. Just giving a few random ideas
seiyria commented 9 years ago

Maybe items could be generated into a usable slot, or maybe there could be special attributes like teleport(norkos) and charges(4). When using an item, it's charges would deplete but could be recharged with some mechanism.

sedgwick commented 9 years ago

Perhaps there could be a way to upgrade bags. Either through the future quest system/fame, or just a ton of gold. High end bags could be magical ones similar to the bag of holding, but cost millions.

seiyria commented 9 years ago

I definitely agree with this; it will probably be fame-related, when fame is implemented. #627

seiyria commented 9 years ago

Possibly some of these items could also be equippable and would fire on their own (ie, a potion could go in a "utility" equipment slot). When the potion runs out of charges, it would disappear.

seiyria commented 9 years ago

Items could also have a "useChance" which would be a 0-100%. This would make some items inherently more useful than others.

Items with a useChance of 0 would have to be used out of combat (and could be used from your inventory). This would be things like the Karma Cookie, and such, listed above.

sedgwick commented 9 years ago

Oh, that's a really cool feature. Kind of like giving a pokemon an item to hold that has some kind of minor effect. Probably should have an easy way to see how long they will last/how many charges are left next to the item.

seiyria commented 9 years ago

Other possible improvements (most specifically for potions):

sedgwick commented 9 years ago

Some thoughts on personalities related to usable items:

Drunk: Could be more likely to automatically use potions. It feels like it could balance itself because your character might get benefits more often, but you might not have those important buffs when you need them later in combat. Though, I'm not sure how you feel about giving some personalities multiple different attributes.

DPS/Tank/Similar personalities: Could be more likely to find items similar to their class. For example, tanks finding defense related items, DPS finding damage boosts, etc. It's similar to the idea I added in #616, just in item form. It does make me wonder what some of the completely idle characters would be like, though, since with the current set of personalities they already do some crazy things.

New personalities:

Prepared: Higher chance of finding items. Not sure what or if the downside of this should be, or perhaps it's just hard to get it? It's one of those personalities that once you have it you would probably always use it, but I can't think of a good downside to it.

self-reliant (or other better title): Doesn't use, or avoids, items. Some players may want this is they don't want their player spending gold on items, or want to avoid bad items.

Oipo commented 9 years ago

Regarding prepared: if some potions are unidentifiable & have bad effects, prepared would also increase the chance of drinking a bad potion.

seiyria commented 9 years ago

Just want to throw it out there that I love making personalities multi-faceted, as long as it's not too overreaching (ie, they each do 10 things, and there's a ton of overlap).

The other personalities might be fine; self-reliant might be difficult to avoid shopping for items if I even add them to shops; I'm thinking of making them very rare and only obtainable via winning combat and special GM handouts (because how else can I test them? :D). The end result here might just be to say "don't use them if this personality is active" because they might still be worth a hefty sum of gold, depending on the generated potion type.

I think I might try to work in an "unidentified" mechanic but I can't promise anything there, but that definitely seems like the best way to counteract the Prepared personality. Perhaps "unidentified" potions will simply show up as 0/0% potions across the board, with unidentified(1) set on them. You can either pay to "identify" it (and better luck = better results) or just hope it doesn't screw you over when you quaff it.

Given this, I think potions on average will generate as "positive" things, and depending on the quality they might get one or two negatives. Unidentified potions however, I like the idea of screwing you over if you don't id it first; as such, I think probability will make quaffing an unidentified potion more negative, but also have a rare chance to be super, super good.

In short, RNG as usual. Carry on.

PS: Another possible use for "prepared" would be to make potions overall less effective, but make it so you always identify your potions properly (and the identifying process would cost more, and yield less-than-average results, but still be mostly positive). In short, it would lower the risk of using potions. Thoughts?

Oipo commented 9 years ago

Personality ¨Thirsty¨ makes you drink every potion as much as possible or something, haha Personality ¨Force Feeding¨ would make you use your potions on allies in parties / enemies in general

That way, you would even want to have bad potions, so that you can force feed them to enemies. Sometimes, you accidentally use unidentified potions on allies / enemies and, well, hilariousness ensues.

seiyria commented 9 years ago

unimplemented things on the branch:

possible throwable items:

(cleaning my whiteboard off, so this needs to be noted somewhere)