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world map TODO #590

Closed seiyria closed 9 years ago

seiyria commented 9 years ago

there should be a way to make it so you need a collectible to get into a certain tile. I want to make the kings key useful, and make some "puzzles" with collectibles.

new collectibles:

sedgwick commented 9 years ago

goblinlord key - norkos -1 - required to get into goblinlord area

Just a notice that anyone inside of the area that will be behind the requireCollectible door won't have a way out, so will have to check for players stuck in there.

the kings key should unlock the building on the ice floes

location for kings key?

There should be a collectible with "godly" rarity in norkos -11. Probably call it "Sword in the Stone"

already completed.

add a Green Dragon somewhere (probably under the dark tower) - make it a mage - Green Draygon Scale collectible

already completed.

These collectibles will need to exist somewhere: "Undead Draygon Scale", "Necronomicon"

Draygon scale already added, location for necronomicon?

verify all collectibles for the Chimera Dragon are in the game

If you let me know the names of all of them, I can check and add any missing in. Would need to know where any missing collectibles will go. Potentially not able to be completed yet if some drop from boss, like the gorgon snake dropping from the basilisk.

Could use a bit more info (approximate level, class you prefer, boss item if you have one in mind, any other special stats) on these bosses:

Anything you don't have something specific in mind, I can come up with on my own.

seiyria commented 9 years ago

Just a notice that anyone inside of the area that will be behind the requireCollectible door won't have a way out, so will have to check for players stuck in there.

You're right, we'll pass on goblinlord for now.

kings key

This should already be in Snowbeast Valley.


Probably in the norkos dungeons somewhere.. maybe have a Naga boss hidden in -8 (which could probably get fleshed out some more), and have it be a necromancer. High level, probably 100.

Chimera Dragon

sedgwick commented 9 years ago

goblin lord key: players could get stuck in goblin lord area (@seiyria requested to wait on this)

Building in ice floes: same issue as goblin lord key

Red Draygon Scale: Need Location as only mama red scale is in. This one was my bad because i had not realized there was a Red Draygon Scale in addition to the mama red scale.

Leviathan boss location: does he have a boss item, or just the Leviathan Egg collectible?

yeti boss: Verify club name, I named it "Yeti Sized Club"

Verify all collectibles: Refer to Red Draygon Scale above, this is the last one scale before the chimera dragon pet will be available.

Snowbeast: Does he have a boss item, or just the skull? Took the snowbeast skull off the Norkos map and added it to snowbeast.

cave monster: cave monster seems like a kinda boring name, so I changed him to "Unspeakably Horrible Cave Creature" Modified Maeles Dungeon -2 to have the boss, since it's the only one with a dirt cave and there's a ninja on -3(cave creatures are afraid of ninjas in my headcanon). If you want I can expand the unused cave section, or leave it as it is.

funhouse: will do in another pull request. it'll be a bit big so I'd rather do this one on its own.

basilisk: Does the basilisk drop an item? I'm figuring no, since it drops 2 collectibles and opens a chest.

Basilisk shield: Treasure set is called Basilisk Gear, only has the shield in it as requested. If you would like, I could come up with a basilisk set, unless you just wanted it to be the shield.


elemental planes: like the funhouse, I think this could be a cool dungeon on its own and will save for later. @seiyria we should discuss the options for this some more, since it will be relatively hard to get in to (well, take awhile to collect the crystals anyways) and it has a lot of potential.

Forbidden Cleric's Text, well guarded:

Necronomicon: Access to the Necronomicon requires the Forbidden Cleric's text from Evil Norkos to get in to the first door on norkos dungeon -10. After that the Odd Amulet from the lich brothers mansion gets you through the next door. This collectible is Godly, of course.

Norkos Dungeon -8: Added a new collectible, Fragile Obsidian Key. It can be used to access the new extended right side of the dungeon, otherwise there's only one tile access to the other side. Decided to open up access to the Yo lava area, but if you want that to stay closed I can close it. If you don't mind it being opened up, was thinking of adding a door immediately south of the stairs up that also requires the fragile obsidian key so anyone who has picked it up can circle back around through the lava area. Added Serpent Headdress collectible. Added the Naga Necromancer who drops a Naga Resurrection Trident mainhand. Here's the naga necromancer stats, wanted to see if you had any additional thoughts on her: and here is the updated map:

seiyria commented 9 years ago


Yep, lets wait on that.

ice floes

Segment it and just put a teleport out in each segment (to frigri) -- this is how the lich brothers area was done and I think that's fine. Though I'm not sure what should go in here. Maybe this could be the Frigri Treasure Room. Each set of collectibles gets you treasure related to the boss that dropped the collectible. Maybe we talked about this, but I couldn't find it in my brief scroll-up.

Red Draygon Scale

Maybe have the baby drop this one occasionally (50%) as a collectible.


Just a collectible is fine. If you wanted to give him a poison claw or something that'd be ok too, but the item doesn't need to be anything special.


What you have is fine.

Chimera dragon

Great, thanks.


Just a collectible, but same as levi above: if you want to give him something, you could give him a club that glows, prones, and does other nasty on-hit stuff. If not, is fine.

Cave monster

I like where you went with it. You're welcome to expand the cave if you'd like; I was just going off of prior material but it's mostly unused space otherwise.


Of course.


Nope, just a collectibles and the treasure.

Slicers / Slasher

They are fine, but could you move slicer to the room with the collectible? Somewhere in the middle is fine.

Elemental planes

Yes, we'll be able to have a lot of fun with this.

Cleric Text

I like this.


This is pretty intense, and of course, godly rarity is suitable for something of this nature.

Norkos -8

This is a fantastic expansion to the map, and it looks quite nice. I'm very much a fan of the naga boss (as we've discussed already).

Overall, very nice! This is a quality addition of content and I'm excited to be wrapping up the world with such a great set of content.

sedgwick commented 9 years ago

What's left to do:

seiyria commented 9 years ago

We'll scrap the goblin lord idea.

Ice floes will function like lich brothers; different collectibles take you farther into the building and each room will have a frigri teleport.

I think we should add some NPCs to towns that just have flavor text, like a King of Frigri; something about his kingdom being under attack by a snowbeast or something. We could probably come up with some static npc / flavor text. Of course, eventually we might make NPCs move around town later (oh, that'd be fun).

Elemental area, I'm just not sure. I'd be willing to take some suggestions on that. Certainly, I believe it should have some nice rewards and some powerful bosses but it could also just look nice and have some NPCs / treasure as well. Not sure where to go with it.

sedgwick commented 9 years ago

Elemental area: Does leaving a tile blank cause an issue? I'm thinking of a map similar to this (this was just a quick mockup to show the idea) Since this would probably be deep inside of a cave, using the air tiles makes it look very bright. You could easily mix this with a mountain top cliff. If the tiles are left blank, do they show up as black? It would be nice to give it that bottomless pit feeling when looking around. i'm thinking that travis would fail with nothing on the outside edge that's blocking, so maybe like this as well?

This would only be one portion of a much larger map or set of maps, but I think a big overhanging edge like this would make a really cool place to put a boss.

seiyria commented 9 years ago

It won't cause an issue unless people can walk on it (in which case, it throws many, many errors). If it's not accessible to players, it should be fine.

seiyria commented 9 years ago

What if the collectibles spread throughout the world told a story of the trainers and bosses throughout the world? Maybe the bard is actually a serial killer, the necromancer just misses his wife (or her husband), the sandwichartist is actually very smart, just forgetful.

Maybe the wardens were once adventurers and are now protecting them from something evil (Even if it requires killing them).

We could spin their stories into the various collectibles spread throughout the world (not necessarily the ones just near them either).

sedgwick commented 9 years ago

The astral planes, connected in the middle of the upcoming elemental planes, could use some info as well. I've collected all my ideas and know what I can do with the elemental planes, but I'm not sure what should go in the astral planes.

Also, I'm not sure how you currently visualize the astral planes, but I'm thinking a new terrain tile might look good for it. like a purplish grass type tile and a blocker tile that's like a night sky with stars. I had brought up earlier about leaving a tile blank, to have it show up as black on the map, but this could act as that filler and give it that mystical feel like "I'm looking over the edge of oblivion here, probably shouldn't walk on to that."

If you think those are okay, I can add them to the art issue.

In addition: Any boss, boss items, or collectibles you want in the elemental planes maps? I need to add the Crystal of Air to the giants tower, and was wondering if you want the Cloud Giant to have it, or to just put it on the map?

seiyria commented 9 years ago

I'm ok with adding a few new tiles to the art issue. Yeah, let the cloud giant drop it maybe 30% of the time (though I thought it was already on the map there?).

sedgwick commented 9 years ago

I thought so too, I thought I remember adding two collectibles to the giant's tower, but I guess not.

Elemental Planes Entrance: You mention Frigri as the possible entrance for the elemental planes. I'm thinking that works, and a good building location would be about here: The access could be a door in the Frigri wall from the north, or a door from the empty area south of town. Also, how wide do you want the hallways? It could be very hard to enter with 1 wide hallways around the building, or a bit easier to navigate with some two wide hallways using the design.

Elemental Planes -1: I currently have it set up for stairs, but if you want the entrance to teleport in here (from your chat picture), that's easy to change. You move through a small cave pass to...

Elemental Planes -2: work your way around the curved cave pass down to...

Elemental Planes -3: the map is 100x100, so hard to fit in to a 100% size screenshot. The stairs from -2 lead to the bottom center overlook. The air section of the planes is in the bottom left corner, water section in the upper left corner, fire section in the upper right, and the earth section is the bottom right and leads to the center mountainous region that grants access to the astral planes. Since the astral planes will use tiles that do not exist yet, I have it blocked off with fences and a sign that says "Due to safety concerns, the Norkos Council has barred access to the Astral Plane. Sorry for the inconvenience." I can change Norkos Council to whatever. However, since each section is separated by the vast expanse (I was hoping for more of the dark pit feeling, but this works. That can be saved for the astral plane I suppose), you start by going from the bottom center platform through the passage of air. I made each section the full size of the actual distance between the stairs. Not all the maps have been like that, but I figured it would work well with this one to show the change as you pass through each section of the map. From the earth section you take the passage of water. Then from the water section is the passage of fire. Finally, from the fire section is the passage of earth.

So, here is what I still need:

seiyria commented 9 years ago

I think the building is fine. It should possibly have some ruined brick wall tiles, though. I think if we build a "lore" if you will about how the Astral Plane is unstable, that will make it easier to theme the area. Possibly, the building could have a collectible that is an Unstable Astral Essence or something. Sorry, it's not nearly as descriptive as it could be but does that help out any?

sedgwick commented 9 years ago

With all the current maps taken care of, #874 covers what remains from this issue. Any new maps will be issues of their own.