IdleLands / IdleLandsOld

[DEPRECATED] A full-blown idling RPG. It has a modular backend that can be added to any existing frontend via a REST API.
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making IdleMaster stay quiet in channel #609

Closed rika314 closed 9 years ago

rika314 commented 9 years ago

sending a bunch of !idle-pet action feed 1 will make IdleMaster post only small fraction of usual msgs in channel (and spend all its sendq into sending answers).

Same problem with personalities etc.

rika314 commented 9 years ago

Suggested ways to fix: <rika> seiyria, accept only 1 msg from player in x secs <rika> that's weird way to fix it <Kurea> <Z0MGBBQ> or split up the workload, to like an command-bot and a msgbot. <rika> but it will probably work

seiyria commented 9 years ago