IdleLands / IdleLandsOld

[DEPRECATED] A full-blown idling RPG. It has a modular backend that can be added to any existing frontend via a REST API.
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Support Guild Admins setting a MOTD for members. #882

Open AkumaNoTsubasa opened 9 years ago

AkumaNoTsubasa commented 9 years ago

It would be great to have a function, to have a Guild Message of the day that gets buzzed to an IRC player that logs on and again everytime at 12. WebFE Players see MOTDs on the Guild page.

Also it would be handy to have the posibility to send a Guildnote to players to ask for donations or what buildings they want to upgrade next etc.

seiyria commented 9 years ago

There will be nothing of the sort going to IRC players, unfortunately, because that would be very expensive. The only way to do it would be to add it to their adventure log or the upcoming #812 (which is not designed nor planned for implementation). Also, there is no differentiation between clients so I can't tell if someone is from IRC or WebFE.

I had entertained doing this and putting it in the guild hall but I eventually decided against it.

I think for your last suggestion you should just talk to your guild members.

Possibly, I might implement MOTD on the guild page, but people would have to log on to webfe to see it, basically.

AkumaNoTsubasa commented 9 years ago

An inbox would be awesome!

Would be great if the MOTD would find it's way onto the webfe. Maybe, for IRC only players, something like !guild getmotd ?

seiyria commented 9 years ago

Right, it would be, but it won't be for a long time, if at all.

No, no IRC command, because in general I do not want to encourage people to spam IdleMaster; it's already under heavy load. For me to make more commands available to retrieve data, there would have to be some serious reform to how the IRC component works, and I'm just not willing to do that right now.

AkumaNoTsubasa commented 9 years ago

Can't you add a delay of e.g. 1 minute per 2 commands per player? This should make the load a bit lighter.

seiyria commented 9 years ago

I could, but what if they want to do other things like manage their inventory? Or sell an item? Or level up their pet? That'd just be frustrating.

The load does not stem from players using commands, it's from the bot only having one output stream and the game having a ton of events backed up (which is why #idlebot is always so busy). Players using commands that could return any set of messages has the possibility of halting the game or preventing other players from executing commands because of this. As such, the fewer reasons they have to interact with IdleMaster, the better.

AkumaNoTsubasa commented 9 years ago

Aye yeah true datt.