IdleLands / IdleLandsOld

[DEPRECATED] A full-blown idling RPG. It has a modular backend that can be added to any existing frontend via a REST API.
MIT License
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1.0 Maps #917

Open sedgwick opened 9 years ago

sedgwick commented 9 years ago
seiyria commented 9 years ago

If we wanted to, we could do this one. For this map, the original way to get there was a portal in Norkos -7 (behind Slicer). Realistically, I think there should be more portals than that -- one in this dungeon in the same spot, as well as a few others in "deep" locations. Alternatively, it could just be a portal in Norkos but I think it should be harder to get to (although, since the game is random it should be more accessible, ie, in a few more dungeons).

I like the map ideas. New Guild Halls work for me. Generally, so far, I have one hall per town and they're all unique. It's going to be harder to do that with another ~4 towns so there might have to be a new mechanic introduced into these guild halls.

The dungeons would fit the map that I linked above, I think.

New collectibles, yeah, I can give some guidance depending on where you start with the maps. I can't think of any mapceptional places yet, though; we'll have to see how the maps turn out.

Nothing yet on flavortext / custom messages. Those sorta just come up.

Quests: Yes, I think this would be a good idea, but it might require some more framework. I'm taking a break from actual code for IdleLands for now in favor of a newer project (I still plan on facilitating the project though), so this may have to get put aside for now.

I'd say send each one as a separate PR. It's easier to do small chunks and not get caught up in it all being perfect if you just push them out bit by bit. Basically, what we were doing before.