IdleLands / IdleLandsOld

[DEPRECATED] A full-blown idling RPG. It has a modular backend that can be added to any existing frontend via a REST API.
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Pet Level is counted in Average Level in battle #918

Closed calthax closed 9 years ago

calthax commented 9 years ago

Pet Level shouldn't be counted in Average Level because they are Pets

seiyria commented 9 years ago

Pets also have levels, and are characters. Given that they can get stats that function like a player, not counting them would cause balance problems. Suppose I have a level 100 jester pet, for example. That is a huge DPS output, but I shouldn't count it when factoring its level into the equation?

calthax commented 9 years ago

Maybe instead we should cap the pet level to the player level

seiyria commented 9 years ago

I've entertained that as a possibility, but I simply am unsure of the value in doing so, especially with some pets having very high level caps (180 for the octopus, for example).

I'm not sure what capping the pet level to the players currently level will do, though, because a player could still just not level up their pet. I think the best solution currently is in #849.