TypeSafePaths is a TypeScript library that provides a type-safe way to manage URL paths and their parameters in a web application. It leverages the power of Zod for schema validation, ensuring that both path parameters and search parameters conform to specified schemas.
This PR was opened by the Changesets release GitHub action. When you're ready to do a release, you can merge this and the packages will be published to npm automatically. If you're not ready to do a release yet, that's fine, whenever you add more changesets to main, this PR will be updated.
Patch Changes
395ce6e: Fix bug that required params object when there were no params
This PR was opened by the Changesets release GitHub action. When you're ready to do a release, you can merge this and the packages will be published to npm automatically. If you're not ready to do a release yet, that's fine, whenever you add more changesets to main, this PR will be updated.
Patch Changes