Ifhezu / TaskManX

TaskManX: Boost your productivity with an all-in-one task manager, file organizer, and password generator. Prioritize, track deadlines, and set reminders with ease. Stay organized, manage tasks, and generate secure passwords effortlessly. Supercharge your efficiency now!
Apache License 2.0
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Task Manager #1

Open Ifhezu opened 8 months ago

Ifhezu commented 8 months ago

1) Data Structure: Choose a suitable data structure to store tasks. For example, you can use a list of dictionaries, where each dictionary represents a task with keys like "name," "description," "due_date," and "priority."

2) Add Task: Implement a function that prompts the user for task details (name, description, due date, priority) and adds the task to the task list. You can use input statements to gather user input and append a new task dictionary to the task list. Make sure ppl cant put weird names or sth NSFW.

3) View Tasks: Develop a function to display the list of tasks in a readable format. Iterate over the task list and print the details of each task, including its name, description, due date, and priority.

4) Update Task: Create a function that allows the user to update a specific task. Prompt the user to select a task by its index or unique identifier. Then, provide options for modifying its details, such as changing the name, description, due date, or priority.

5) Delete Task: Implement a function to remove a task from the task list. Prompt the user to select a task by its index or unique identifier and remove it from the list using the del statement or the list.remove() method or sth like that.

6) Sorting Tasks: Add functions to sort tasks based on different criteria, such as due date or priority. You can use the sorted() function or the list.sort() method with custom comparison functions to achieve the desired sorting.

7) Mark as Completed and Reminders: Include functionality to mark tasks as completed and set reminders. Implement options for marking tasks as completed, updating their status, and setting reminders based on the due date.

Ifhezu commented 8 months ago


s-a-i-r-a commented 8 months ago

First task