Ifhezu / TaskManX

TaskManX: Boost your productivity with an all-in-one task manager, file organizer, and password generator. Prioritize, track deadlines, and set reminders with ease. Stay organized, manage tasks, and generate secure passwords effortlessly. Supercharge your efficiency now!
Apache License 2.0
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User Interface Design #4

Open Ifhezu opened 8 months ago

Ifhezu commented 8 months ago

To ensure a user-friendly experience, TaskManX will feature a graphical user interface (GUI) implemented using the Tkinter framework. The GUI will provide intuitive menus, prompts, and input fields for users to interact with the application seamlessly. Here are the detailed specifications for the user interface design:

  1. Main Window:

    • The application will open with a main window that serves as the central hub for all functionalities.
    • The window will have a clean and visually appealing layout, with a suitable color scheme and font choices.
    • The main window will display the application logo or title for branding purposes.
  2. Menu Bar:

    • A menu bar will be located at the top of the main window, offering easy access to various features and options.
    • Common menu items such as "File," "Edit," "View," and "Help" will be included.
    • Each menu item will have a dropdown list of related actions or sub-menus for user selection.
  3. Task Management Section:

    • Task-related functionalities will be organized in a dedicated section within the main window.
    • A task list or a table will display the existing tasks, including their names, due dates, and priorities.
    • Users can add new tasks using an input field and submit button.
    • Task entries will have options for updating, marking as complete, or deleting tasks.
    • Sorting and filtering options may be available to allow users to customize how tasks are displayed.
  4. File Organization Section:

    • The file organization feature will have a separate section in the main window.
    • Users will be able to specify the directory for organization using an input field or a browse button.
    • A button labeled "Organize Files" will trigger the file scanning and organization process.
    • The progress of file organization will be displayed, indicating the number of files processed and moved.
    • If duplicate files are encountered, users will be prompted with options for renaming or skipping them.
  5. Password Generator Section:

    • The password generator feature will be integrated into the user interface for easy access.
    • Users can specify the desired password length and character options through input fields or sliders.
    • A "Generate Password" button will trigger the password generation process.
    • The generated password will be displayed to the user, allowing them to easily copy it for use.
  6. Status Bar:

    • A status bar will be located at the bottom of the main window, providing informative messages or notifications.
    • It will display relevant feedback, such as successful task additions, file organization completion, or error messages.

#Extra: We will use the Tkinter framework for GUI implementation and design the main window with the desired layout, color scheme, and font choices. They will incorporate a menu bar at the top of the main window, providing dropdown lists for various actions and sub-menus.

The task management section will feature a task list or table, allowing users to add, update, complete, or delete tasks.

The file organization section will include an input field or browse button for directory specification and a button to trigger the file scanning and organization process. Progress updates will be displayed, and options for handling duplicate files will be provided.

The password generator section will have input fields or sliders for specifying password length and character options, along with a button to generate passwords. The generated password will be displayed for easy copying.

Finally, a status bar will be placed at the bottom of the main window, providing informative messages and notifications throughout the application.