IgnaceMaes / MaterialSkin

Theming .NET WinForms, C# or VB.Net, to Google's Material Design Principles.
MIT License
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Cannot create DLL from project. #163

Open kabirhaxor opened 7 years ago

kabirhaxor commented 7 years ago

Cannot create DLL from this project. Got too many errors. Please build and update this DLL on Nuget Package.

kabirhaxor commented 7 years ago

Anyone here to solve this?

WakfuBuilder commented 6 years ago

I am guessing you are running vs2013 or older. This issue is related to C#6, to be able to compile successfully you must replace the following :

public MaterialSkinManager SkinManager => MaterialSkinManager.Instance; by public MaterialSkinManager SkinManager { get { return MaterialSkinManager.Instance; } }

kabirhaxor commented 6 years ago

OnItemClickStart?.Invoke(this, e);

Got error here.,

kabirhaxor commented 6 years ago

Right, iam using vs2013 Ultimate.

WakfuBuilder commented 6 years ago

Ok, you may have to check this out : https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/magazine/dn802602.aspx This syntax is a Null-Conditional Operator, if you can't use C#6 you have some adjustments to do with the OnItemClickStart event. The introduced example in the link above should do the trick (Figure 1 - Checking for Null Before Invoking a Delegate).

hadi77ir commented 6 years ago

This project is using new language features. You can use new compiler, or upgrade to VS2017, or even use Xamarin Studio to compile it.