It would be great if Telegram could be setup as a notification platform. I'm aware it would be possible via a platform such as Pushsafer, but then you'll need to make an additional account & have API-call limits.
The easiest implementation would be for users to create their own bot with the "BotFather"-bot on Telegram and providing Ryot with the bot-token & chat/group id. Ryot would need to simply make a HTTP GET-call to the url in the following format:
It would be great if Telegram could be setup as a notification platform. I'm aware it would be possible via a platform such as Pushsafer, but then you'll need to make an additional account & have API-call limits.
The easiest implementation would be for users to create their own bot with the "BotFather"-bot on Telegram and providing Ryot with the bot-token & chat/group id. Ryot would need to simply make a HTTP GET-call to the url in the following format: