IgnorantGuru / sandfox

Runs Firefox and other apps in a filesystem sandbox
GNU General Public License v3.0
39 stars 7 forks source link

Error: There is no open sandbox to run "foo" #6

Closed ghost closed 8 years ago

ghost commented 8 years ago

Hello, Sorry to bother you with triviality, I have run sandfox for a while without any problems, but yesterday I started getting the headline issue. So I create new sandbox with "sudo sandfox --profile foo --sandbox foo --user userx" sandbox initializes ok and all fine. Usually I run foo with "sandfox foo" and foo starts in sandbox. But now I have to use "sudo sandfox foo" to start or else I get

There are no usable sandbox daemons running for userx - make has been enabled sandfox: Error: action requires root; run with sudo or --help for info

If I "sudo sandfox --status foo"

Starting foo as userx in sandbox "foo"... Sandbox: foo Daemon: running (userx) Mounts: 47 /mnt/sandfox/foo/ Root Dirs: bin dev etc home lib lib32 lib64 proc tmp usr var

It's problematic if I need to start "sudo sandfox foo" as dunst/rofi/bash to open new tabs in running sandbox fail even if I update command to "sudo sandfox foo" in their config files. Something has happend, but I'm having problems identifying the real issue on my end. Why the sudden need for sudo to start foo if sandbox daemon already running?

narrowing: If I create and start from same bash session it works, however creating sandbox closing terminal and reopening new gives headline error.

Edit : Found the error, if terminal window is below default 80x25 in size it fails, but if I stretch window above default size it starts normally - wtf!!? Ok I'm closing this as I know now where the issue is..sort of Oh and thanks, your software is super!