Closed IgnorantGuru closed 11 years ago
Several reports of various difficulties with conky - this is on the things-to-look-at list.
You can use settings like this to make conky an actual window without decorations that will not show up in the taskbar.
own_window yes
own_window_transparent yes
#own_window_argb_visual false
#own_window_argb_value 0
own_window_type normal
own_window_hints undecorated,below,sticky,skip_taskbar,skip_pager
This will cover up desktop icons and may not work with all window managers. If you have two conkys that overlap each other you may need a method to control which window is on top of the other at all times. In Fluxbox this can be done using the apps file and
to give the conkys different window titles to differentiate them.
Conky with SpaceFM logo
Received elsewhere, it appears the spacefm desktop wallpaper does not appear beneath conky when using a gtk3 build as of 0.8.5 [with xfwm4].
The suggestions in this issue have been added to the SpaceFM Wiki here. Please add any further conky suggestions to that page - thanks!
Received elsewhere:
what's the best way for Conky to play nicely with SpaceFM? I'm using it with pseudo-transparency and it displays the "root" background, but unfortunately SpaceFM's desktop must be a window above this and consequently on a refresh Conky seems to disappear completely. But if I kill SpaceFM, Conky reappears. (I think I had this problem when I tried the Rox desktop too.