IgnorantGuru / spacefm

SpaceFM File Manager
GNU General Public License v3.0
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'Case Sensitive' checkbox in 'File Search' dialog is logically inverted #276

Closed jenningsthecat closed 11 years ago

jenningsthecat commented 11 years ago

Using SpaceFM 0.7.8 in XFCE/Debian Wheezy. When searching for files that contain a specified string, leaving the 'Case Sensitive' check box UNCHECKED performs a case-sensitive search. Leaving it CHECKED performs a NON-case-sensitive search.

Steps to reproduce:

1) Create a text file which contains the text 'LIFE' (no quotes)'. 2) In the directory tree in the left-hand pane of SpaceFM, click on/highlight the directory in which the file in step 1 was created. 3) Select 'File Search' in the 'File' menu, select the 'Content' tab in the resulting dialog box, and enter the text 'life' (no quotes). 4) Click the 'Find' button and observe that the file created in step 1 is not found. 5) Click the 'Search Again' button. 6) Click the 'Case Sensitive' check box so a check mark appears in it, then click the 'Find' button and observe that the file created in step 1 IS found.

The 'Case Sensitive' check box acts as the logical inverse of its intended function - in other words, it's really a 'Case Insensitive' check box.

BTW, thanks for creating such a terrific file manager. I've been using Linux for about 5 years now, and have tried a bunch of GUI file managers - Thunar, PCmanFM, RoxFiler, Nautilus, Dolphin, xfe, 4pane, and probably others as well. None of them has been up to snuff, although Dolphin came close. Although there's still a lot I have to learn about SpaceFM, and you're improving it all the time, for me it's already better than the rest. I'm happy to finally have a Linux file manager that does everything I need it to do and then some, without all the distracting blinkenlights and bling. Kudos!

IgnorantGuru commented 11 years ago

This is now corrected in the next branch (see README- BUILD NEXT), due in 0.8.7 release.

Also, you're using a very old version of spacefm - if your distro doesn't provide a newer package I recommend the self-extracting installer or my build-from-source Debain packages or PPA. To see changes since 0.7.8 see News.

Thanks for your report and feedback!