IgnorantGuru / spacefm

SpaceFM File Manager
GNU General Public License v3.0
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No Highlighting choice in the right-Click With Buster Xfce4 and Gtk3 #764

Closed al-louarn closed 4 years ago

al-louarn commented 4 years ago

Hello, I enjoy SpaceFM (1.0.6) since a few days, but in the right-click-menu in the panel (neither in the path bar) I don't have item hightlighting. And in the manual I don't saw anyway to get it without right-click. May be unrelated, but I only found an option for wallpaper png or color, but it doesn't work. I wonder what I missed. Or could Xfce4-config or default themes take precedence ? Thanks for SpaceFM

ncmprhnsbl commented 4 years ago

not sure what you mean... do you mean the right-click menu for customizing a menu/panel item?

as for the wallpaper, i assume you're running xfce4 DE, so all desktop functions including wallpaper will be handled by xfce4 settings and the desktop settings within spacefm will have no effect.

al-louarn commented 4 years ago

Whoo ! So faster !!! Great thanks for xfce I agree, I think it would be better without Xfce, but it's my first try. But yes I do mean "the right-click menu for customizing a panel" to obtain highlighting in the current panel or current path bar is not efficient. This is explained in the spacefm-manual. Other example with "columns to appear" (always with right-click in the panel ) : in the left panel my choices are respected and I can see type of files, or last-date-access, but in the wright panel I can only see the list of files or directories, never other column. Possible it was the width of the fisrt columns but I cannot reduce it with the mouse.
I saw that the ~/.config/SpaceFM/session is not writable. So I could backup it and try with a new one...

al-louarn commented 4 years ago

I wrote : " Possible it was the width of the fisrt columns but I cannot reduce it with the mouse." At night, take advice ! I have backuped the /.config/session/ files, then reloaded SpaceFM and try to modify it appaerance. All works. For highlighting the focused panel I was wrong, It works by right-click on the STATUS bar not for the panel neither the path bar. Then Only the status bar is highlighted. That's enough

Sorry I asked you for nothing.