IgnorantGuru / spacefm

SpaceFM File Manager
GNU General Public License v3.0
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how to change ffmpegthumbnailer implementation ? #796

Open dikasetyaprayogi opened 2 years ago

dikasetyaprayogi commented 2 years ago

hey spacefm is very great application btw.

prior using spacefm, most of us are accostumed with default ffmpegthumbnailer settings which takes 10% frame seek as the thumbnail image (pcmanfm, caja, etc). we use them consideribly very long that the thumbnail images are burned into our memories.

i notice the whole set of video thumbnail generated by ffmpegthumbnailer in spacefm is different, is there any way to change this ? a ffmpegthumbnailer settings will be good idea.

many thanks in advance.

dikasetyaprayogi commented 2 years ago

hey, found some way to achive this

the ffmpegthumbnailer specification can be set in /src/vfs/vfs-thumbnail-loader.c

line 526: video_thumb->seek_percentage = "enter your value";

the default value spacefm use is 25 default ffmpegthumbnailer use 10

a manual or conf file or maybe settings for this would be good, i think