Igor-Vladyka / leaflet.browser.print

A leaflet plugin which allows users to print the map directly from the browser
MIT License
154 stars 76 forks source link

Add dynamic contents(add new page if contents are huge), circle not printing. #117

Open shahnawaz-pabon opened 2 years ago

shahnawaz-pabon commented 2 years ago

Hi @Igor-Vladyka, thanks for such a great plugin for printing leaflet map including bunch of features. I am trying to print the map(can be printed easily) with adding pushpins from the external API on the map based on selected radius. So I've set a component when my external API's data is ready like this:

{ radiusSearchInstitute.length > 0 && <RadiusInstitutes data={ radiusSearchInstitute } /> }

Here, RadiusInstitutes is a component shown based on API's data.

import React, { useMemo, useEffect, useState } from "react";
import * as turf from "@turf/turf";
import { useDispatch, useSelector } from "react-redux";

const RadiusInstitutes = ({ data }) => {
  var arr = data.map((obj) => ({
    name: obj.properties.name,
    eiin: obj.properties.eiin,
    y: obj.properties.y,
    x: obj.properties.x,
    distance: turf
        turf.point([circleCenter.lng, circleCenter.lat]),
        turf.point([obj.properties.x, obj.properties.y]),
        { units: "kilometers" }

  // get table column
  const column = Object.keys(arr[0]);
  // get table heading data
  const ThData = () => {
    return column.map((data) => {
        // console.log("ThData");
        // console.log(data);
      return <th key={data}>{data}</th>;
  // get table row data
  const tdData = () => {
    return arr.map((data) => {
      return (
          {column.map((v, idx) => {
            return <td key={idx}>{data[v]}</td>;

  return (
    <div style={{ textAlign: "center", marginTop: "200px" }}>
      <table className="sub-content" leaflet-browser-print-content="true">

export default RadiusInstitutes;

I need to add these data append under the map. I've followed this doc. But when I did this, my actual map is being overlapped by my content like this(after printing):


Also, red circle is not being printed. Before printing, the map is like this:

Screenshot from 2022-05-23 10-49-29.

I've implemented 10-12 ways(other printing plugin) so far. Is there any way so that I can solve this problem by using this plugin? Thanks in advance.

Igor-Vladyka commented 1 year ago

Hey. It seems like it's there. You would need to forward styles somehow to print map. One of the options is just to debug what style is used on the map and what in the manual mode.