Igor-Vladyka / leaflet.browser.print

A leaflet plugin which allows users to print the map directly from the browser
MIT License
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A0 size print doesn't fit into print screen. #51

Closed sirajjunior closed 5 years ago

sirajjunior commented 5 years ago

I am trying to print leaflet map with A0 size but map does'nt completely fit on print screen. Print screen discards half of map width. Same issue occurs in A1, A2, A3. Print after size A4 works perfect.

I have attached screen shots of issue and jsfiddle of my code.

One more thing I need to know. Is there any way to increase font size of header and discard URL in footer?

map in browser

map in print screen

Code Sample


Igor-Vladyka commented 5 years ago

Hi There,

Please use "+ More settings" to configure proper printing and add/remove header/footer of page.

If you want custom header: check this documentation.

If it not work for you - you can use: this instructions to download as PNG

sirajjunior commented 5 years ago

Hi, Thank you for response. I will check documentation for custom header. Any idea about A0 print size issue? why it splits map into multiple pages and discards half map in width.

Igor-Vladyka commented 5 years ago

Your browser does not support A0 printing.

sirajjunior commented 5 years ago

In case of A0 when i am trying to print a map with visible bounds and saving it as PDF using print screen then it shows map bounds with much larger area than visible in application (browser). It kind of a decreases zoom level. Do you any idea about it?

Map Before Print in browser preprintmap

Map in Print Screen postprint

Igor-Vladyka commented 5 years ago

This is kinda expected behavior :)

What do you think, how it should work? In edge cases, like on really small zoom, etc?)