Igor-Vladyka / leaflet.browser.print

A leaflet plugin which allows users to print the map directly from the browser
MIT License
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to many pages or wrong map #91

Closed geoff21 closed 3 years ago

geoff21 commented 3 years ago

hello. if i use leaflet.browser.print.js leaflet.browser.print.sizes.js leaflet.browser.print.utils.js

or leaflet.browser.print.min.js

i have the same problem.

in firefox, if i print a map i get 3 pages the map i want with all the infos i add (title, legend ……) this one is perfect the "original map" reprinting on screen and a white page.

on chrome no problem at all

on edge i have the map overlaping the « original map »

when i try on your exemples no problems at all only if i use falkon as browser, it prints good size but « original map » p.s. i use falkon only for test cause it is supposed to be based on chrome.

leaflet.print 1.0.5

thank you

Igor-Vladyka commented 3 years ago


Yes, there is a problems in other browsers that can ruin the experience, but taking into account that the majority users is using latest chrome based browser, there is no point for tuning it for each other browser (taking into account that they are changing somehing after each build and not consistent at all).

I tried to tune it for each browser at some point, but not now, it's just too much of a work

Regards, Igor