Igosuki / compass-mixins

A collection of compass' stylesheet for bower dependencies and libsass
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animation mixin only adds the animation-name property #75

Open yoavniran opened 8 years ago

yoavniran commented 8 years ago

Hi, Im using this include in a class style in my scss:

    @include animation(arrow-bounce 0.5s linear 0s infinite normal forwards initial);

the result in my css is:

   -webkit-animation: arrow-bounce;
      -moz-animation: arrow-bounce;
      -ms-animation: arrow-bounce;
      -o-animation: arrow-bounce;
      animation: arrow-bounce;

None of the other properties is used... am I doing something wrong?


danielrz commented 8 years ago

hi Yoav, What's up? ;) For what I know, there is no such an animation name arrow-bounce in compass. Use bounce instead and it will work!

yoavniran commented 8 years ago

thanks @danielrz but thats not the issue. "arrow-bounce" is my animation, In my CSS I have the matching keyframes:

@include keyframes(arrow-bounce) {
  from {
  to {

The issue is that none of the settings Im passing to the animation mixin come through in the transpiled CSS.

note that if I just have (without the mixin):

animation: arrow-bounce 0.6s ease 0s 12 normal forwards;

in my class everything works. But I dont get the browser specific rules.


danielrz commented 8 years ago

hi Yoav,

i understand your question now. use 0% and 100% notation instead of from and to Daniel-

yoavniran commented 8 years ago

@danielrz thats not the issue. As i wrote, everything works when not using the animation mixin. The problem is with the mixin itself it seems.

"from" and "to" are valid keyframes syntax: http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-animations/#timing-functions