IjzerenHein / firestorter

Use Google Firestore in React with zero effort, using MobX 🤘
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Collection.add should not add document to the firestore DB when the schema is violated #16

Closed IjzerenHein closed 6 years ago

IjzerenHein commented 6 years ago

Collection.add doesn't check the schema prior to adding a document to Firestore. This can cause invalid documents to be added to the cloud.

add(data: any): Promise<Document> {
        return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
            const ref = this.ref;
            if (!ref) throw new Error('No valid collection reference');
<<<<< Should validate schema here
            ref.add(data).then(ref => {
                ref.get().then(snapshot => {
                    try {
                        const doc = new this._documentClass(snapshot.ref, {
                            snapshot: snapshot
                    } catch (err) {
                }, reject);
            }, reject);
IjzerenHein commented 6 years ago

Fixed by v0.12.1