IjzerenHein / firestorter

Use Google Firestore in React with zero effort, using MobX 🤘
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Typescript: CollectionQuery doesn't allow returning null from query function #57

Closed damonmaria closed 5 years ago

damonmaria commented 6 years ago

Release 0.16.0 added the ability to return null from query functions but null isn't a valid return type in the Typescript declaration:

export type CollectionQuery =
    | ((ref: firestore.CollectionReference) => firestore.Query | undefined)
    | firestore.Query;
IjzerenHein commented 5 years ago

Hey thanks for letting me know. I've fixed the problem on master and will push a new release within the next couple of days. Cheers

IjzerenHein commented 5 years ago

Hi, it's taken way too long, but I have finally released a new version with the fix for this, v1.2.0. Cheers and let me know whether I can close this issue, Hein