IjzerenHein / kiwi.js

Fast TypeScript implementation of the Cassowary constraint solving algorithm 🖖
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Implement toString() in classes Constraint, Expressions, Variable. #1

Closed cacaodev closed 7 years ago

cacaodev commented 7 years ago

Also add Expression isConstant()

IjzerenHein commented 7 years ago

why did you close this?

cacaodev commented 7 years ago

Because I thought it made more sense to open it on the main repo. Finally i didn't and I opened a new improved PR here.

IjzerenHein commented 7 years ago

Thanks for the new pull request @cacaodev. I will try to pull and test it anytime soon.

A while back I asked the original author of the kiwi-ts code whether I could publish the code on npm but never got a response from him. I then asked again a while later but again no response. I still want to pull this on npm as I think this is the fastest cassowary solver available. I think I'm just gonna clean up the repo and make it javascript only (perhaps rename to kiwi-js). And then publish it to npm.

Just curious, where are you using it for?


cacaodev commented 7 years ago

I'm using it for porting Autolayout to the cappuccino web framework. https://github.com/cacaodev/cappuccino/tree/Autolayout-kiwi There are links to online examples in the Readme.