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git clone user/ password always required #27

Open vvatermelon-dev opened 7 months ago

vvatermelon-dev commented 7 months ago

get the dev user account and search it to google get the new share link of his profile and use it instead the old ones

Orangevenom commented 7 months ago

Sir need a bcgame script

vvatermelon-dev commented 6 months ago

If you set up the ssh keys and always clone via ssh instead of https you won't need to type your user and passwords.

You need to do this :

  1. Check if you already have ssh keys set up Run ls -la ~/.ssh . If you don't see a file with the name _ided25519 or, you probably don't have them set up, so you can proceed to create them and follow the next steps.

  2. Generate the ssh keys Run ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C ""

Press enter when it asks you about the file name and type in something secure for the passphrase.

  1. Add the keys to the ssh agent eval "$(ssh-agent -s) ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_ed25519
  2. Add the SSH public key to github Run vim ~/.ssh/ and copy everything on the file.

Open GitHub account, click on your profile on the upper right and go to settings. Then click on SSH and GPG keys. After that, click on New SSH Key, give it a name like lambda server, paste the entire key, and click Add SSH Key.

  1. Check if it was successful Run ssh -T , if you get Hi your_name! You've successfully authenticated, but GitHub does not provide shell access. you did it! Now, you can clone, push, etc via ssh without typing your username and password!