Illarion-eV / Illarion-Content

Illarion game content, including NPCs, quests, fighting system, etc.
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attempt to concatenate a nil value #384

Closed brightrim closed 4 months ago

brightrim commented 4 months ago

42 Jan 3 21:11:29 Script (err): /usr/share/illarion/scripts/base/glyphs.lua:421: attempt to concatenate a nil value

brightrim commented 4 months ago

I managed to reproduce this once when hovering over all my glyphed items, then never again despite repeating this attempt. The function this impacts is the lookat that tells you how many charges you have left. All of mine showed the correct text, despite triggering it once where it should not have shown the text. Thus, combined with the lack of reports, it seems to be having no impact on players. Since the entire glyph script will be reworked, including this bit, in the next update, I think this bug can safely be ignored until then.