Illinois-State-Solar-Car / SquirrelStuff

The stuff that makes Jim get the squirrel gun
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Telemetry Discussion / Hashing schtuff out #1

Open Austin8462 opened 5 months ago

Austin8462 commented 5 months ago

Zero2Go Omini for power input board for tablet -- uses the input with the highest voltage and either steps up or bucks it to a solid 5v output -- Use something like 6 18650 cells in parallel for power

Austin8462 commented 3 months ago

Each screen pico will pack data and send over UART to Portenta Portenta will aggregate the 3 UART lines into 1 and send the data over UART to the MKR 1310 MKR 1310 will take the UART packets from the Portenta and send them to the PIT over LoRa PIT will unpack the LoRa packets and display in human readable format

Both the Portenta and MKR will be run off supplemental power, separate from mains -- Ref quote regs below

8.2.C.1 Supplemental, replaceable batteries carried in the solar car may be used to power: Main Power Switch, driver ventilation fans (if solely used for driver ventilation), telemetry, and the horn. All other systems present on the car must be powered off the main battery.