IllinoisLegalAidOnline / docassemble-USCISApplications

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Page 13, part 2 Items 1a-c: not populating or it mispopulates (all names are showing up in first name section or skipping middle name completely) #116

Closed aidanielson closed 6 months ago

aidanielson commented 6 months ago

This must be the TPS addendum. Not 100% sure this is working, but it seems like it was? Will double-check.

aidanielson commented 6 months ago

Anthony Danielson 35 minutes ago which one are you on? i was thinking of addressing the last unclicked checkbox " Page 7, part 7 1c, 3-5 - [ ] didn't populate answers and dates in other countries should be populating "

Anthony Danielson 32 minutes ago FYI I821, page 7, Question 1c is a radio group with 'Yes' and 'Yes' as the two options for the yes/no checkboxes.

Anthony Danielson 29 minutes ago these questions they've itemized in this checkbox seem like they are exactly the kind of information contained on the "standard," 99%-applicable transit addendum: "After leaving Venezuela, I transited through Colombia, Panama, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Honduras, Guatemala, and Mexico before arriving in the United States." (edited)

Anthony Danielson 28 minutes ago I'll re-code the PDF mako tage to show what the sample TPS app shows (below) image.png


Anthony Danielson 28 minutes ago image.png


Anthony Danielson 27 minutes ago but i think the interview will need a new question that sets the date they left Venezuela (or else their country of origin on their way to the U.S.)

Anthony Danielson 26 minutes ago we have the last date of entry, but not the date they left on their journey. :+1::skin-tone-4: 1

Anthony Danielson 20 minutes ago oh we do

Anthony Danielson 20 minutes ago image.png


Anthony Danielson 20 minutes ago so ill put in '01' for the day, and use the month and year.

Anthony Danielson 19 minutes ago probably have to do January = '01' or something

Quinten Steenhuis 19 minutes ago let's leave day blank. i would hate for a discrepancy to cause an issue for someone

Anthony Danielson 19 minutes ago or else code

Anthony Danielson 19 minutes ago the form itself and sample show mm/dd/yyyy

Anthony Danielson 18 minutes ago but i'll put month year for now

Quinten Steenhuis 10 minutes ago We should add to question list--if we should put day back in. I think we were told not to

Anthony Danielson 5 minutes ago ok so i've taken this issue as far as i can. I-821, page 7, Questions 1c and 5 are radio buttons on the PDF, with "yes" answers for both yes and no checkboxes. For question 4, other_country_immigration_status, 'No status' as written in the sample only factually applies to those who never had any legal status in any of the countries they traveled through on the way to the U.S. If that's 99% of the applicants, great. But we have to decide whether to make it a static 'No status' which would print even for applicants whom it does not apply to. There's quite a bit of additional complexity to figure out whether the applicant had ANY legal status in the countries they traveled through, since we only ask whether the applicant has citizenship in any country aside from that of their birth. We'd have to go back into the lists i made a couple weeks back if we want to capture every single country in which the applicant both traveled through AND had some form of legal status.

Anthony Danielson 4 minutes ago so i'll push 'No status' as a static value :+1::skin-tone-4: 1

Quinten Steenhuis 3 minutes ago I think ultimately we do want something like your lists. we just need to get it integrated with the attachment block and the transit addendum. and maybe try talking it through with TRP a bit more to figure out how we can make it as few clicks as possible

Anthony Danielson < 1 minute ago right now, we're not even asking I821 page 7, questions 6 and 7, which correlate to these two pdf attachment lines:

aidanielson commented 6 months ago

I pushed the following modifications to the PDF attachment blocks that correlate to the fields involved in this issue: image

aidanielson commented 6 months ago

The static fields will not apply to the outliers, and we need to ask Jane what to do about that - I'll put it in the Slack

aidanielson commented 6 months ago
