Illumina / BeadArrayFiles

Python library to parse file formats related to Illumina bead arrays
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Omni5 issue #17

Closed jjzieve closed 4 years ago

jjzieve commented 5 years ago
1teaspoon commented 5 years ago


I tried this BeadArrayFiles library, and for some reason xRaw has negative values. Below is the error and the code I was running:

Raw X intensity must be positive integer. Failed value: 2820

manifest = BeadPoolManifest(manifest_file)
gtc = GenotypeCalls(gtc_file)
GenoScores = gtc.get_genotype_scores()
genotypes = gtc.get_genotypes()
xRaw = gtc.get_raw_x_intensities()
yRaw = gtc.get_raw_y_intensities()
norm = gtc.get_normalized_intensities(manifest.normalization_lookups)
with open(outFile, 'wb') as output:
    for i in range(8):
        output.write(struct.pack('<H', 0))
    for (x, y, n, genoScore, geno) in zip(xRaw, yRaw, norm, GenoScores, genotypes):
        (normX, normY) = n
        if geno not in [0,1,2,3]:
            eprint('unexpected geno: ' + str(geno))
        elif not isinstance(x, int) or x < 0:
            eprint('Raw X intensity must be positive integer.  Failed value: ' + str(x))
        elif not isinstance(y, int) or y < 0:
            eprint('Raw Y intensity must be positive integer.  Failed value: ' + str(y))
        elif not isinstance(normX, numbers.Number) or math.isnan(normX) or normX < 0:
            eprint('Norm X intensity must be positive number.  Failed value: ' + str(normX))
        elif not isinstance(normY, numbers.Number) or math.isnan(normY) or normY < 0:
            eprint('Norm Y intensity must be positive number.  Failed value: ' + str(normY))
        elif not isinstance(genoScore, numbers.Number):
            eprint('Genotype Score must be number.  Failed value: ' + str(genoScore))
        if geno == 0:
            newGeno = 3
            newGeno = geno - 1
        output.write(struct.pack('<HHfffH', x, y, normX, normY, genoScore, newGeno))
KelleyRyanM commented 5 years ago

Hi @1teaspoon , It looks like you are checking the type of the raw intensity against "int". I believe you should be checking the type against "uint16" ( Can you check if changing that type comparison addresses the observed error?

1teaspoon commented 5 years ago

Hi @KelleyRyanM,

Thanks for your reply! I tried using unit16 instead of int, and now the error becomes: Norm X intensity must be positive number. Failed value: nan

manifest = BeadPoolManifest(manifest_file)
gtc = GenotypeCalls(gtc_file)
GenoScores = gtc.get_genotype_scores()
genotypes = gtc.get_genotypes()
xRaw = gtc.get_raw_x_intensities()
yRaw = gtc.get_raw_y_intensities()
norm = gtc.get_normalized_intensities(manifest.normalization_lookups)
with open(outFile, 'wb') as output:
    for i in range(8):
        output.write(struct.pack('<H', 0))
    for (x, y, n, genoScore, geno) in zip(xRaw, yRaw, norm, GenoScores, genotypes):
        (normX, normY) = n
        if geno not in [0,1,2,3]:
            eprint('unexpected geno: ' + str(geno))
        elif not isinstance(x, np.uint16) or x < 0:
            eprint('Raw X intensity must be positive integer.  Failed value: ' + str(x))
        elif not isinstance(y, np.uint16) or y < 0:
            eprint('Raw Y intensity must be positive integer.  Failed value: ' + str(y))
        elif not isinstance(normX, numbers.Number) or math.isnan(normX) or normX < 0:
            eprint('Norm X intensity must be positive number.  Failed value: ' + str(normX))
        elif not isinstance(normY, numbers.Number) or math.isnan(normY) or normY < 0:
            eprint('Norm Y intensity must be positive number.  Failed value: ' + str(normY))
        elif not isinstance(genoScore, numbers.Number):
            eprint('Genotype Score must be number.  Failed value: ' + str(genoScore))
        if geno == 0:
            newGeno = 3
            newGeno = geno - 1
        output.write(struct.pack('<HHfffH', x, y, normX, normY, genoScore, newGeno))
jjzieve commented 4 years ago

@1teaspoon The normalized intensities can be nan if both the x and y intensities aren't greater than zero (i.e. This indicates missing intensities, so "normalizing" on them doesn't make sense. That behavior is reproducible in develop as well, so its not related to this branch.