Illumina / ExpansionHunter

A tool for estimating repeat sizes
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ExpansionHunter for PCR-not-free protocol #104

Open golubnikova opened 3 years ago

golubnikova commented 3 years ago

Hi! Thank you for your great tool! I have the same question as here. Could I use ExpansionHunter for samples prepared with PCR-not-free protocol? I'm using Nextera DNA Flex protocol for WGS. I've tried to run ExpansionHunter - it works, test.log and test.json.txt files are attached. How could I understand that ExpansionHunter works correctly?

Expansion Hunter v2.5.5

Originally posted by @golubnikova in

egor-dolzhenko commented 3 years ago

Thank you for the question! Although we don't officially support PCR+ data, we know of groups that have shown that ExpansionHunter can detect expansions of many repeats in PCR+ data well. As a general rule of thumb, 100% GC expansions will be hard to detect since they might not get amplified in PCR+ data.

A good (but very manual) way to evaluate a given genotype call is to visualize alignments of reads with GraphAlignmentViewer:

If it is permissible for you to share the images generated by GraphAlignmentViewer, we would be happy to assist with interpreting them. In which case please feel free to send them by email (

Best wishes, Egor