Illumina / ExpansionHunter

A tool for estimating repeat sizes
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Genotype differences between versions #147

Open aarthi-mohan opened 2 years ago

aarthi-mohan commented 2 years ago

Hi there,

I am trying to update Expansion hunter from 3.0.1 to v4.0.2 and found some differences in repeat size genotyping between the 2 version for few of the loci we have. As an example, HRAS locus get genotyped as 7/9 in v3.0.1 and 11/11 in v4.0.2. I have used the same BAM (NA12878 WGS) input for both version and get same counts of reads for this location from the realigned.bam file.

Appreciate your thoughts on why this would happen.

Thank you, Aarthi

egor-dolzhenko commented 2 years ago

Hi Aarthi,

Thank you for the question. EHv4 uses a different STR genotyping algorithm than EHv3. These two versions can output discordant genotypes in cases when there are many poorly/ambiguously aligning reads.

Could you please visualize both results with REViewer? It will make it easier to compare the two genotype calls.

Best wishes, Egor