Illumina / GTCtoVCF

Script to convert GTC/BPM files to VCF
Apache License 2.0
41 stars 31 forks source link

About ImportError: No module named vcf.parser #32

Closed JeonHyungJin closed 5 years ago

JeonHyungJin commented 5 years ago

Hello, i cloned this project and want to use. when i run this program the result became like this

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 10, in <module>
from vcf.parser import Writer, Reader
ImportError: No module named vcf.parser

I used python 2.7, anaconda, pycharm and i installed

conda install -c anaconda numpy=1.11.2
conda install -c bioconda pyvcf=0.6.8
conda install -c bioconda pysam=0.9.0

all these things.

and when i just run '' at pycharm the result came like this

usage: [-h] [--gtc-paths GTC_PATHS [GTC_PATHS ...]]
                     --manifest-file MANIFEST_FILE --genome-fasta-file
                     GENOME_FASTA_FILE [--output-vcf-path OUTPUT_VCF_PATH]
                     [--skip-indels] [--log-file LOG_FILE]
                     [--expand-identifiers] [--unsquash-duplicates]
                     [--auxiliary-loci AUXILIARY_LOCI]
                     [--filter-loci FILTER_LOCI] [--disable-genome-cache]
                     [--version] error: argument --manifest-file is required

So i thought that VCF module has installed well. but when i run such as

python args~~~~~~

the error came out. Can i get some help?

hhg7 commented 2 years ago

I have this issue too, how did you solve this problem?

jjzieve commented 2 years ago

@hhg7 Did you get this error: ImportError: No module named vcf.parser or the error: argument --manifest-file is required error?

hhg7 commented 2 years ago

@jjzieve I got the ImportError problem

jjzieve commented 2 years ago

@hhg7 You followed the conda install recommendations? i.e. as outlined here:

hhg7 commented 2 years ago

@jjzieve the environment setup on the server that I'm using is extremely complex, a coworker of mine fixed the problem. Thanks for your help though