Open fannyhartmann opened 7 years ago
Hi there,
I am experiencing the same problem. Have you found any solution? Thank you in advance.
BR, Sonia
Hi Sonia,
I haven't found a solution, but I haven't investigate it further.
Best wishes, Fanny
Le mer. 23 janv. 2019 à 13:54, Sonia Zumalave a écrit :
Hi there,
I am experiencing the same problem. Have you found any solution? Thank you in advance.
BR, Sonia
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Germline-WGS has been deprecated. Please try Small-Pedigree-WGS workflow. It supports a single sample analysis. Also, HCC2218 is a cancer sample so is not appropriate for germline analysis. Unless you are analyzing the matched normal sample only, you should use the Somatic-WGS workflow.
Dear Development Team,
I could successfully run the demo with the HCC2218 dataset.
Unfortunately, when I run the workflow Germline-WGS with my own data (a non-model organism- diploid fungus), I had errors.
Here is my command line for the version 1.25:
dotnet ./1.25/Canvas.dll Germline-WGS --bam Run_Canvas/699.MvSl-1064-A1.marked.dupl.realigned.bam --sample-name=699 -r Run_Canvas/MvSl-1064-A1-R4kmer.fa -g Run_Canvas/WholeGenomeFasta --sample-b-allele-vcf Run_Canvas/699.MvSl-1064-A1.tagged.vcf --filter-bed Run_Canvas/filter.bed -o ./OutputCanvasrecentversion
Here is the error message: ---Last lines of stderr log file from /home/fannie/Bureau/OutputCanvasrecentversion/Logging/699_0.binned.stderr.txt: at CanvasBin.CanvasBin.CalculateSingleSampleBinSize(CanvasBinParameters parameters, Dictionaryd33.MoveNext()
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
at Canvas.CanvasRunner.CallSample(CanvasCallset callset)
at Canvas.ModeLauncher.<>cDisplayClass5_0.b 0(FrameworkServices frameworkServices)
2017-07-28T14:17:44,Max job memory (GB): 0,0
2017-07-28T14:17:44,Longest job runtime (Hours): 0,00
2017-07-28T14:17:44,Total execution time: 00:01:07.9
2 possibleAlignments, Dictionary
2 observedAlignments, Dictionary2 fragmentLengths, NexteraManifest manifest) at CanvasBin.CanvasBin.RunSingleSample(CanvasBinParameters parameters) at CanvasBin.CanvasBin.Run(CanvasBinParameters parameters) at CanvasBin.Program.Main(String[] args) at Isas.Framework.WorkManagement.JobManager.CheckExitCodes(List
1 jobs, Boolean throwExceptionOnBadExitCode) at Isas.Framework.WorkManagement.JobManager.ProcessJobs(List1 jobs, Int32 maxNumThreads, Boolean redirectOutput, Boolean checkExitCodes, Boolean throwExceptionOnBadExitCode) at Isas.Framework.WorkManagement.LocalWorkManager.DoWorkParallelLocal(List
1 tasks, TaskResourceRequirements taskRequirements, Int32 maximumThreads, Boolean checkReturnCode, Boolean redirectOutput, Boolean throwExceptionOnError) at Isas.Framework.WorkManagement.LocalWorkManager.DoWorkParallel(List1 tasks, TaskResourceRequirements taskRequirements, Int32 maxAttempts, Boolean throwExceptionOnError) at Canvas.CanvasRunner.BamToBinned(IDirectoryLocation tempFolder, Boolean isPairedEnd, List
1 sampleIds, String canvasReferencePath, String canvasBedPath, List1 bamPaths, StringBuilder commandLine, Int32 binSize, Dictionary
2 intermediateDataPathsByBam) at Canvas.CanvasRunner.InvokeCanvasBin35Mers(CanvasCallset callset, String canvasReferencePath, String canvasBedPath, String ploidyBedPath) at Isas.Framework.Checkpointing.SerializingCheckpointRunner.<>cDisplayClass7_01.<RunCheckpoint>b__0(Checkpoint checkpoint) at Isas.Framework.Checkpointing.CoreCheckpointRunner.RunCheckpoint[TResult](String name, Func
2 run) at Canvas.CanvasRunner.see attached error files
I will appreciate your help as I really would be interested in running Canvas. Thank you.
Best wishes,