Illumina / canvas

Canvas - Copy number variant (CNV) calling from DNA sequencing data
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Proper installation instructions for Ubuntu x64 are here #99

Closed MagdalenaZZ closed 5 years ago

MagdalenaZZ commented 5 years ago

Can you please update the readme, it is a bit out of date. Here:

Installation instructions for Linux 64 is as follows:

Install dotnet Build apps - SDK v2.1.403 from here: Pick : .NET Core Binaries: x64

Download Canvas precompiled from here: Canvas-

Test that it is working: ~/bin/dotnet2.1/dotnet Canvas.dll

Canvas Copyright © Illumina 2018

Usage: Canvas.exe [MODE] [OPTIONS]+

Available modes: Germline-WGS - CNV calling of a germline sample from whole genome sequencing data Somatic-Enrichment - CNV calling of a somatic sample from targeted sequencing data Somatic-WGS - CNV calling of a somatic sample from whole genome sequencing data Tumor-normal-enrichment - CNV calling of a tumor/normal pair from targeted sequencing data SmallPedigree-WGS - CNV calling of a small pedigree from whole genome sequencing data

Options: -h, --help show this message and exit -v, --version print version and exit

eroller commented 5 years ago

Thanks for pointing this out. I've added a link to your instructions on the README.