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Haplotype VCF comparison tools
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Error running BCFTOOLS :Argument list too long #172

Open zhaolx01 opened 1 year ago

zhaolx01 commented 1 year ago

my cmd: docker run --user 1019:1019 -v /home/zhaolx/gtx-run-species:/data -w /data happy:v0.3.15 /opt/ gtx_reference_data/analysis/Penaeus_monodon/Penaeus_monodon_SRR12180364/gatk_4.1.8.1/Penaeus_monodon_SRR12180364.vcf.gz gtx_reference_data/analysis/Penaeus_monodon/Penaeus_monodon_SRR12180364/Penaeus_monodon_SRR12180364.vcf.gz -r gtx_reference_data/reference/Penaeus_monodon/bwa-index/GCF_015228065.1_NSTDA_Pmon_1_genomic.fna -o Penaeus_monodon_SRR12180364_gatk- --threads 10 --engine vcfeval

error log: [W] overlapping records at NC_051386.1:468540 for sample 0 [W] Variants that overlap on the reference allele: 7644 [I] Total VCF records: 13147524 [I] Non-reference VCF records: 13147524 [W] overlapping records at NC_051386.1:468540 for sample 0 [W] Variants that overlap on the reference allele: 7853 [I] Total VCF records: 13163970 [I] Non-reference VCF records: 13163970 2023-03-16 09:12:51,659 ERROR [Errno 7] Argument list too long 2023-03-16 09:12:51,660 ERROR Traceback (most recent call last): 2023-03-16 09:12:51,660 ERROR File "/opt/", line 540, in 2023-03-16 09:12:51,660 ERROR main() 2023-03-16 09:12:51,660 ERROR File "/opt/", line 394, in main 2023-03-16 09:12:51,660 ERROR convert_gvcf_to_vcf=convert_gvcf_query) 2023-03-16 09:12:51,660 ERROR File "/opt/", line 195, in preprocess 2023-03-16 09:12:51,660 ERROR num_threads=threads) 2023-03-16 09:12:51,660 ERROR File "/opt/", line 266, in preprocessVCF 2023-03-16 09:12:51,660 ERROR raise ex 2023-03-16 09:12:51,660 ERROR OSError: [Errno 7] Argument list too long Error running BCFTOOLS; please check your file for compatibility issues issues using vcfcheck

vcfcheck: vcf1: docker run --user 1019:1019 -v /home/zhaolx/gtx-run-species:/data -w /data happy:v0.3.15 /opt/ gtx_reference_data/analysis/Penaeus_monodon[W] overlapping records at NC_051386.1:468540 for sample 0 [W] Variants that overlap on the reference allele: 7644 [I] Total VCF records: 13147524 [I] Non-reference VCF records: 13147524 [I] X chromosome appears to not be haploid -- assuming this is a female sample

vcf2: docker run --user 1019:1019 -v /home/zhaolx/gtx-run-species:/data -w /data happy:v0.3.15 /opt/ gtx_reference_data/analysis/Penaeus_monodon/Penaeus_monodon_SRR12180364/gtx_2.2.0-pre1/Penaeus_monodon_SRR12180364.vcf.gz [W] overlapping records at NC_051386.1:468540 for sample 0 [I] X chromosome appears to not be haploid -- assuming this is a female sample [W] Variants that overlap on the reference allele: 7853 [I] Total VCF records: 13163970 [I] Non-reference VCF records: 13163970
