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Haplotype VCF comparison tools
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Link provide in email is broken #182

Closed Manuel-DominguezCBG closed 9 months ago

Manuel-DominguezCBG commented 9 months ago

Hi team.

Thanks so much for this handy tool.

I have used it today and I have realised that you provide a link instead of giving the zip. file in the email (as it used to be I think). If I go to the links given, both are broken. I paste the whole email below (there is no patient data involved)

This message originated from outside of NHSmail. Please do not click links or open attachments unless you recognise the sender and know the content is safe.

Analysis complete for vcf: Sample_ID_mapped_sorted_IRealigned.vcf bed (if supplied): SORTED_NA12878-rep1_S4_lisftover.bed reference build selected: GRCh38 Summary (taken from happy.Sample_ID_mapped_sorted_IRealigned.extended.csv):

SNP recall (sensitivity)=1.0 (95% CI: 0.15811-1.0) SNP precision (PPV) = 1.0 (95% CI: 0.15811-1.0)

A detailed summary report is available here: /benchmark/files/230925_092257/happy.Sample_ID_mapped_sorted_IRealigned.summary_report.html Full results are available here: /benchmark/files/230925_092257/

Thanks for using this tool!

Results generated using Illumina v0.3.9 ( implemented in Synnovis Genome Informatics DNAnexus app: vcfeval_hap.py_v1.4.0

Manuel-DominguezCBG commented 9 months ago

OK. It is working now. I don't know why. I close this!