Open mdbjax opened 3 years ago
How did you finally solve this problem? I also encountered this problem with MANTA installed by conda.
OK, I know why this error occurred. <samtools path> <reference fasta> <vcf file>
The samtools path
should contain the character samtools,i.e. /home/username/samtools_path/samtools
I've tried to install this on (a) our research cluster, (b) inside a Singularity container, and (c) on my Macbook. All of these methods produce a similar error. I've tried installing this by Conda and from source, both produced the same error. Below is an example of a conda-based execution on my Macbook.
I run
~/miniconda3/envs/inversion/share/manta-1.6.0-0/libexec/ /Users/bradlma/miniconda3/envs/inversion/bin/ ./hg38.fa.gz candidateSV_1.vcf.gz