Illumina / strelka

Strelka2 germline and somatic small variant caller
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Strelka filtering out important variant #235

Open yusufzhc opened 9 months ago

yusufzhc commented 9 months ago


I have seen a issue that one of the variant which is important in my analysis in filtered out as HighSNVSB;NoPassedVariantGTs having score above 300. Although I can see that it is present in IGV

There is another variant filtered out with same reason but it is not visible in IGV and have score of 20

It is happening in many files. I work with rare disorders so many variants are rare.

Kind guide me to retain variant with high score.

I have used the following methods

ssnvPrior = 0.0001

sindelPrior = 0.000001

ssnvNoise = 0.0000000005

sindelNoiseFactor = 2.2

ssnvNoiseStrandBiasFrac = 1 and 0.0 and 0.5 ### nothing works <---