IllusionMan1212 / lyrics-grabbr

App that listens to your notifications and provides lyrics for the currently playing song.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Add way to change the search query #4

Open Sv443 opened 5 months ago

Sv443 commented 5 months ago

I would love to manually improve the search query sometimes as it can be pretty hit or miss (insert funny haha tiktok). Another way to automatically improve them would be to remove everything in parentheses (at the cost of remix lyrics being ranked lower in the search results which I think is acceptable). And yet another way to improve the search is to use the ?disableFuzzy parameter when querying the geniURL instance since genius has massively improved their search endpoint's ranking algorithm.

IllusionMan1212 commented 1 week ago

disableFuzzy is on since v1.0.0 I'm too lazy to care about the other suggestions. Keeping this issue open in case I (or anybody else) cares enough in the future to further improve searching.

Sv443 commented 1 week ago

realest developer ever