IllusionMods / IllusionModdingAPI

Modding API for games made by Illusion (PHAPI / KKAPI / ECAPI / AIAPI / HS2API / KKSAPI)
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
255 stars 44 forks source link

更新api之后进入实验室老是白屏卡顿, 但我暂时无法判断这两者是否关联, 仅仅是发布看看看看是否有其他人遇到相同问题 #75

Closed fateyoujo closed 3 months ago

fateyoujo commented 3 months ago

After updating the API, the laboratory often shows a white screen and becomes unresponsive. However, I cannot determine if these issues are related. I'm just posting this to see if anyone else has encountered the same problem.

fateyoujo commented 3 months ago


ManlyMarco commented 3 months ago

Send the output_log.txt file after the white screen happens.