Iluvalar / NRS

Next Research System for Warzone2100
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Create as a git tagged release? #1

Open Chewbakka-Wakka opened 5 months ago

Chewbakka-Wakka commented 5 months ago

Saw this on the forums.

Can this be created as a git tagged release? Allows obtaining files all from source tarball and prepping a build package.

Iluvalar commented 2 months ago

Oh sorry Chewy! I didn't expected to have issues to solve here. No, you don't need to build any of this. All you need to play is the latest NRSxxx.wz file in the main folder. Drop it in the autoload file. The rest of the git is all my code I use to generate NRS. It's there to show exactly how its built and what change exactly between versions. There might be some interesting bits for people who want to open the files in PHP and mod things automatically like I do, but I don't see why someone would want to run the entire thing and make a direct competitor to NRS.