Closed FanVanDEV closed 2 years ago
Hello! .wait() doesn't work now?
type SessionData = ScenesSessionFlavor & {} export type BotContext = Context & customSessionFlavor & adminFlavor & ScenesFlavor & SessionFlavor<SessionData>; export const bot = new Bot<BotContext>(); (async () => { await appDataSource.initialize(); bot.use( session({ initial: () => ({}), }) ) bot.use(importScenes.manager()) // commands here bot.use(importScenes); await bot .start({ limit: 32, allowed_updates: ["my_chat_member", "message", "callback_query"], }) .then(async () => { console.log("Bot started!"); }); })();
I`m using the scene from the example. Nothing happens after the "Enter your name" step
I'm sorry. bot.use(importScenes); need to place BEFORE commands.
Hello! .wait() doesn't work now?
I`m using the scene from the example. Nothing happens after the "Enter your name" step