Open yafacex opened 4 years ago
This is how I'm doing it:
private unsafe void CreateFont(string fontFile, float fontSize, byte mergeMode, ushort[] charRange)
// create the object on the native side
var nativeConfig = ImGuiNative.ImFontConfig_ImFontConfig();
// fill with data
(*nativeConfig).OversampleH = 3;
(*nativeConfig).OversampleV = 3;
(*nativeConfig).RasterizerMultiply = 1f;
(*nativeConfig).GlyphExtraSpacing = new System.Numerics.Vector2(0, 0);
(*nativeConfig).MergeMode = mergeMode;
GCHandle rangeHandle = GCHandle.Alloc(charRange, GCHandleType.Pinned);
ImGui.GetIO().Fonts.AddFontFromFileTTF(fontFile, fontSize, nativeConfig, rangeHandle.AddrOfPinnedObject());
if (rangeHandle.IsAllocated)
// delete the reference. ImGui copies it
protected override void Initialize()
string fontsFolder = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Fonts);
CreateFont(Path.Combine(fontsFolder, "micross.ttf"), 20f, 0, new ushort[] { 0x0021, 0x0375, 0 });
catch { ImGui.GetIO().Fonts.AddFontDefault(); }
CreateFont(@Path.Combine(Settings.FormsDirectory.FullName, "Font-Awesome-5-Free-Solid-900.otf"), 20f, 1, new ushort[] { 0xf000, 0xf83e, 0 });
CreateFont(@Path.Combine(Settings.FormsDirectory.FullName, "Font-Awesome-5-Brands-Regular-400.otf"), 20f, 1, new ushort[] { 0xf081, 0xf840, 0 });
This is how I'm doing it:
//Method private unsafe void CreateFont(string fontFile, float fontSize, byte mergeMode, ushort[] charRange) { // create the object on the native side var nativeConfig = ImGuiNative.ImFontConfig_ImFontConfig(); // fill with data (*nativeConfig).OversampleH = 3; (*nativeConfig).OversampleV = 3; (*nativeConfig).RasterizerMultiply = 1f; (*nativeConfig).GlyphExtraSpacing = new System.Numerics.Vector2(0, 0); (*nativeConfig).MergeMode = mergeMode; GCHandle rangeHandle = GCHandle.Alloc(charRange, GCHandleType.Pinned); try { ImGui.GetIO().Fonts.AddFontFromFileTTF(fontFile, fontSize, nativeConfig, rangeHandle.AddrOfPinnedObject()); } finally { if (rangeHandle.IsAllocated) rangeHandle.Free(); } // delete the reference. ImGui copies it ImGuiNative.ImFontConfig_destroy(nativeConfig); } //Usage protected override void Initialize() { base.Initialize(); string fontsFolder = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Fonts); try { CreateFont(Path.Combine(fontsFolder, "micross.ttf"), 20f, 0, new ushort[] { 0x0021, 0x0375, 0 }); } catch { ImGui.GetIO().Fonts.AddFontDefault(); } CreateFont(@Path.Combine(Settings.FormsDirectory.FullName, "Font-Awesome-5-Free-Solid-900.otf"), 20f, 1, new ushort[] { 0xf000, 0xf83e, 0 }); CreateFont(@Path.Combine(Settings.FormsDirectory.FullName, "Font-Awesome-5-Brands-Regular-400.otf"), 20f, 1, new ushort[] { 0xf081, 0xf840, 0 }); ImGuiRenderer.RebuildFontAtlas(); }
Thanks for reply.I found I forgot font push.....
maybe its because you called ImGui.RebuildFontAtlas() twice, though I dont see how that could be the issue, anywayds heres my code, its a lot simple since Im pretty fine with my default font settings.
_imGuiRenderer = new ImGuiRenderer(Game); io = ImGui.GetIO(); io.Fonts.AddFontFromFileTTF(Font, fontSize); _imGuiRenderer.RebuildFontAtlas();
feel free to use this lib as reference. it can load/change any font (english, non english) of any size at run time.
In project “ImGui.NET.SampleProgram.XNA” at master branch. SampleGame.cs
protected override void Initialize() { _imGuiRenderer = new ImGuiRenderer(this); _imGuiRenderer.RebuildFontAtlas(); base.Initialize(); ImGuiIOPtr io = ImGui.GetIO(); //io.Fonts.AddFontDefault(); io.Fonts.AddFontFromFileTTF(@"C:\Windows\Fonts\simhei.ttf", 20.0f, null, io.Fonts.GetGlyphRangesChineseSimplifiedCommon()); _imGuiRenderer.RebuildFontAtlas(); }
I have tried many ways such as use Arial.ttf and call RedbuildFontAtlas again.The result never changed.
ImGui.Text(@"Hello,你好 world!"); ImGui.Text("Hello,你好 world!");